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TSC Recruitment 2021

TSC Recruitment Merit Lists of Shortlisted candidates per county July 2021; Follow this page to access TSC Recruitment Merit Lists for all…

TSC Mass Recruitment Merit Lists of Shortlisted candidates per county July 2021; Follow this page to access TSC Recruitment Merit Lists for all Counties Freshly Updated TSC Recruitment Merit Lists of Shortlisted Teachers per County- July 2021 Newly Updated TSC Mass Recruitment Merit Lists per County and Region July 2021 Kitui-County-july-2021-tsc-mass-recruitment-Merit-List-2 KITUI-CENTRAL-SEC-TSC-TEACHERS-RECRUITMENT-JULY-2021 TANA-RIVER-COUNTY-TSC-RECRUTMENT-MERIT-LIST-JULY-2021…

TSC Recruitment Schedule, Interview Dates and Venues for July 2021 Teaching Vacancies

TSC Recruitment Schedule, Interview Dates and Venues for July 2021 Teaching Vacancies The Teachers Service Commission TSC has reviewed and given new dates for interviews for the 2021 July mass recruitment of job applicants. The interview dates are scheduled from Thursday of 22nd July 2021 to Wednesday the 22nd of July 2021. The TSC recruitment schedule started from the 29th of July when the vacancies were advertised, to the interview dates, until the 1st of September when successful applicants report to their…

TSC recruitment 2021 interview dates and venues per county and Region

TSC recruitment 2021 interview dates and venues per county and Region TSC recruitment 2021 interview dates and venues per county KAKAMEGA COUNTY Date 22/7/2021 – Kakamega Central Subcounty – Bishop Sulumeti Girls (Venue) Date 22/7/2021 – Mumias East Subcounty – Shitoto Girls (Venue) Date 22/7/2021 – Khwisero Subcounty – Kwisero Girls (Venue) Date 22/7/2021 – Kakamega South Subcounty – Musoli Girls (Venue) Date 22/7/2021 – Kakamega East Subcounty – Mukumu Girls (Venue) Date 22/7/2021 – Lugari Subcounty –…

TSC Introduces New Criteria for Breaking a tie in the Upcoming July 2021 TSC Mass Recruitment: Read in to Find Out How TSC Plans to Fill the…

TSC Introduces New Criteria for Breaking a tie in the Upcoming July 2021 TSC Mass Recruitment: Read in to Find Out How TSC Plans to Fill the 10, 000 Teaching Vacancies Currently available on the TSC Portal TSC Mass Recruitment News Today: All eyes are currently trained on the teachers' sole employer, TSC to gauge how fair the upcoming July mass recruitment interviews  will be. Previously, complaints have been fronted through formal channels bordering on the unfair nature in which TSC…

2021 TSC recruitment Interview Schedule ( Roadmap): July 2021 TSC Mass Recruitment & Replacement Interview roadmap, schedule ( Official…

2021 TSC recruitment Interview Schedule ( Roadmap): July 2021 TSC Mass Recruitment & Replacement Interview roadmap, schedule ( Official Interview dates and venues) TSC Mass Recruitment Schedule/ Roadmap July 2021: Being a government affiliated organization, the Teachers Service Commission is obliged and bound by the Kenyan Constitution to make public any major changes taking place including the ongoing TSC recruitment and replacement of teachers whose interviews are set to take place this month. Some of the major…

TSC advertises 10,000 recruitment and promotion vacancies for teachers

TSC advertises 10,000 recruitment and promotion vacancies for teachers The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has advertised close to 9,000 new recruitment vacancies for teachers. 4,000 vacancies are for Secondary schools new recruitment to support the Government’s 100 per cent transition policy from primary. Another 927 vacancies are to replace secondary school teachers who have left service due to natural attrition. Also advertised are 2,987 new vacancies for Primary schools new recruitment. Another 1,000 practicing…


TSC RECRUITMENT JULY/ AUGUST 2021/2022: AVAILABLE TSC TEACHING VACANCIES AS OF THE YEAR 2021, RECRUITMENT PORTAL ONLINE 2021, HOW TO  APPLY, AND LATEST  TSC SCORING GUIDELINES 2021/2022 TSC Announces 5000 employment vacancies in July/ August 2021, Check the full details below and apply today Teachers Service Commission, TSC-Kenya Advertised Recruitment vacancies (5000) are currently available for qualified TSC registered teachers. To access the full list of available Post Primary TSC Teaching Vacancies as of July…

TSC Mass Recruitment July 2021:  TSC Announces 5000 Teaching Posts. This is How You Can Apply for the 5000 TSC Teaching Vacancies to be…

TSC Mass Recruitment July 2021:  TSC Announces 5000 Teaching Posts. This is How You Can Apply for the 5000 TSC Teaching Vacancies to be Filled in July 2021 The Teachers Service Commission, has announced 5000 teaching vacancies for qualified and certified teachers only. Details reaching us indicate that the Commission is gearing up for the Mass Recruitment of teachers come July this year. This follows the announcement of plans to recruit 5, 000 teachers by TSC during the 2021/2022 financial year. TSC Budgetary…

TSC Budget 2021/2022: How TSC will spend the 281.7 Billion Budgetary Allocation for the 2021/2022 Financial Year

TSC Budget 2021/2022: How TSC will spend the 281.7 Billion Budgetary Allocation for the 2021/2022 Financial Year Just like any other government body, the Teachers Service Commission has got an estimation of its expenditure and income for a period of one year technically referred to as a budget. Since the Commission draws its cash for operational costs from the exchequer, the Treasury has an upper role in determining how much the Teachers Service Commission bags in form of the annual budgetary allocation every June-…

TSC Recruitment Dilemma: How TSC Will Freeze Employment for P1 Teachers as from the Year 2023

TSC Recruitment Dilemma: How TSC Will Freeze Employment for P1 Teachers as from the Year 2023 They say that change is as good as rest. However, with key reforms within the Kenyan Education Sector in the offing, many jobs are at stake especially teaching jobs for primary school teachers commonly referred to as P1 Tutors. The Long Wait It has become the norm for primary school teachers to wait for over 10 years before finally landing a TSC job. What is worse is the fact that the Commission reciprocates…

TSC: New Minimum KCSE Grades For Teaching Subjects; Latest TSC Recruitment Guidelines

 TSC: New Minimum KCSE Grades For Teaching Subjects; Latest TSC Recruitment Guidelines  TSC Set To Raise Minimum KCSE Grades For Teacher Trainees' Teaching Subjects The only body mandated to alter the Minimum Entry Requirements for all teachers wishing to be employed by the government in Kenya, Teachers Service Commission, TSC is gearing up for major reforms in the education sector. These reforms in teachers' minimum grades for teaching  subjects- areas of specialization will usher in a new era of…

TSC Advertises the following Teaching Vacancies to be filled in April 2021; School, Teaching Combination, Requirements and Application…

TSC List of available Teaching Vacancies to be filled in April 2021; School, Teaching Combination, Requirements and Application Deadline The Teachers Service Commission sometimes does advertise a few teaching vacancies on permanent and pensionable working terms through the affected Schools' Boards of Management, BOM based on need. In 2021,  the TSC is pleased to advertise the following teaching vacancies available in public schools in Kenya as of April 20, 2021. TSC Teaching Vacancies 2021 Murray Girls High…