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TSC Announces 5000 employment vacancies in July/ August 2021, Check the full details below and apply today
Teachers Service Commission, TSC-Kenya Advertised Recruitment vacancies (5000) are currently available for qualified TSC registered teachers.
To access the full list of available Post Primary TSC Teaching Vacancies as of July 2021, click on the following link
TSC Recruitment Vacancies July 2021- Post Primary
The Commission in June announced the next TSC Mass Recruitment exercise set to take place this coming July/ August 2021. Over 5000 TSC teaching slots are to be filled in July month since there are huge gaps when it comes to TSC staffing per county.
In May 2020, the Teachers Service Commission released the full list of counties with the highest TSC teacher shortages.
The list was produced by the Teachers Service Commission, TSC Chief Executive Commissioner Dr. Nancy Macharia in Parliament while haggling for more cash to address the teething gaps occasioned by incessant cash crunches on the Commission’s part.
TSC Recruitment Vacancies for Primary School Teachers per county and region July/ August 2021
According to the latest TSC data at our disposal, the following counties have got the least TSC teacher percentage shortfalls: Kirinyaga, Kiambu, Uasin Gishu, Nyeri, Nyandarua, Murang’a, Meru, Laikipia, Isiolo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Embu, and Nairobi.
Kakamega, Nakuru, Kitui, and Bungoma, on the other hand, have got the highest TSC teacher shortfalls. These counties will therefore need more teachers especially with the rollout of the 100 percent transition policy and double intake looming next year.
The Western, Rift Valley, and Central regions take the lead when it comes to regions with the highest TSC teacher shortages.
TSC Internship Recruitment Vacancies July/August 2021
If applying for a TSC advertised vacancy, then note that all applicants must be registered teachers as per Section 23(1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act Cap 212. Those without registration certificates must attach a printout showing verified status as evidence of application for registration. However, applicants who fail to meet registration requirements will not qualify to be recruited.
Applicants who apply for confirmation of results from KNEC should give the address of the County Director where they have submitted their applications.
Applicants working in other Government Departments and who meet the requirements are eligible to apply.
Applicants will be required to submit their applications to the Secretary Board of Management of the respective institution with a copy to the office of the respective TSC Sub-county director.
Upon receipt of applications Heads of Institutions MUST acknowledge in writing (Appendix VII). On completion of the shortlisting process, Heads of Institutions should promptly advise those who do not meet the shortlisting criteria (specifying the reasons).
The TSC Sub-County Director shall compile a list of all applicants in every Institution for ease of reference and present it during the interview.
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Heads of Institutions should communicate to all shortlisted applicants through SMS (short message service) at least seven (7) days before the actual date of the interview. This provision MUST be strictly observed to ensure that all applicants are notified of the date of the interview, venue, and time.
All applicants, irrespective of gender, disability, ethnicity, or Home County should be given equal opportunity. However, in case of a tie, consideration will be given to the following aspects in their order of priority:
a). Applicant (s) with disability(ies);
b). Age of the applicant (44-45 years) with previous teaching experience of three years and had not worked with the Commission previously
c). Quality of certificates presented i.e. higher aggregate KCSE grade should first be considered. If the applicants tie at the aggregate grade, the subject grades should be used;
d) Preference will be given to the applicants who have not been previously employed by the Commission.
The names of interviewed applicants ranked in order of performance during the selection process for each vacancy (Appendix iii) will then be submitted to the Commission.
Applicants who were previously employed by the Commission MUST declare their past employment history and reason(s) for termination of service (with evidence) in their application. Applicants who were previously employed by the Commission and FAIL to declare shall be disqualified.
Applicants who were previously offered employment by the Commission and failed to take up the appointment without notifying the Commission are NOT eligible for employment.
To apply, click on and follow this link: TSC Recruitment portal online 2021/2022.
Kindly note that once you have placed an application for TSC Teaching jobs online, you can track the status of your application through the same link.
The Commission Advertises vacant Posts either for its Secretariat or in education institutions. This Online System allows you to apply for any post you qualify for and allows you to track every stage of processing up to Appointment (NOTE: If you apply Online, You Don’t Need to Submit a Hard Copy Version to the Commission. No Payments are required of any kind. As a Teacher, You Are NOT EXPECTED TO Register again with the Commission)
TSC Scoring Guide for the July/August 2021 Mass Recruitment of Teachers
TSC Score sheet for the July/August 2021 Mass Recruitment of Teachers
required to present sworn affidavit on the difference in names.
Applicants who re-sat either KCPE or KCSE examinations (or their equivalents) MUST present certified copies of the certificate(s) of the national examination(s) in question for all attempts.
Here is the score sheet that will be used by TSC during 2021 employment for Secondary school teachers
Degree (BED) | |
First class | 35 |
Second Class Upper | 30 |
Second Class Lower | 25 |
Pass | 20 |
Degree + PGDE or BSC+PGDE | |
First class | 35 |
Second Class Upper | 30 |
Second Class Lower | 25 |
Pass | 20 |
Diploma + Dip Tech Education | |
Distinction | 25 |
Credit | 20 |
Pass | 15 |
Diploma in Education | |
Distinction | 25 |
Credit | 20 |
Pass | 15 |
Maximum Score | 35 |
Teachers Service Commission and Boards of Management are required to conduct the selection exercise for the advertised vacancies in their institutions.
The Selection Panel will be expected to exercise the highest degree of transparency and accountability, as stipulated in the Public Officers Ethics Act, and TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics 2015. The Head of Institution is required to induct the panel members on the relevant sections of the Act and CORT 2015 before the commencement of the selection exercise.
The TSC County Director MUST ensure that the recruitment process is done in strict adherence to the laid down protocols by the Ministry of Health on containment of COVID- 19 pandemic.
All applicants must be registered teachers as per Section 23 (1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012. Applicants who are not registered do not qualify to be recruited.
Applicants who apply for confirmation of results from KNEC should give the address of the County Director where they have submitted their applications.
Applicants whose names differ in the certificates and/or identity cards are required to present sworn affidavit on the difference in names.
Applicants who re-sat either KCPE or KCSE examinations (or their equivalents) MUST present certified copies of the certificate(s) of the national examination(s) in question for all attempts.
Here is the score sheet that will be used by TSC during 2021 employment for Secondary school teachers
Degree (BED) | |
First class | 35 |
Second Class Upper | 30 |
Second Class Lower | 25 |
Pass | 20 |
Degree + PGDE or BSC+PGDE | |
First class | 35 |
Second Class Upper | 30 |
Second Class Lower | 25 |
Pass | 20 |
Diploma + Dip Tech Education | |
Distinction | 25 |
Credit | 20 |
Pass | 15 |
Diploma in Education | |
Distinction | 25 |
Credit | 20 |
Pass | 15 |
Maximum Score | 35 |
Awarding of marks for Length of stay since qualifying as a teacher (since graduation)
Its also important to note that length of stay after graduation is weighty and it is the mother of all when it comes to scoring marks;
2012 and before | 50 |
2013 | 45 |
2014 | 40 |
2015 | 35 |
2016 | 30 |
2017 | 25 |
2018 | 20 |
2019 | 15 |
2020 and after | 10 |
Awarding of marks for Length of stay since qualifying as a teacher for those previously employed by TSC
2020 and after | 50 |
2019-2018 | 45 |
2017-2016 | 40 |
2015-2014 | 30 |
2013-2012 | 25 |
2011-2010 | 20 |
2009-2008 | 15 |
2007 and before | 10 |
NB:For purposes of scoring part B, year of completion of professional training
(BED or PGDE) whose certificate is used to score part A of this score sheet
determines the length of stay but not year of enhancement.
Advantage of Communication ability and Co-curricular certificate of participation
One who has a co-curricular certificate of participation will also stand higher chances of scoring more marks. This part is very crucial when it comes to breaking of ties.
Communication Ability | 2 |
Participation in Co-curricular activities | 1 |
Students’ academic performance(Exam Record) | 1 |
Special Talent(s) | 1 |
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this is encouraging to teachers but there is an observation that i have made and i have experienced ,computer teachers are disadvantaged those who did diploma in ICT then went to KTTC did a Dip Tech,many cannot be employed in secondary schools all because they did not get a c+ in maths and aggregate of C+ also they dont have a second subject.
im so disappointed because i can see comp post but i cannot apply coz of limitations of the recruitment guideline.all in all bravo tsc for the good work.
Many Tsc offices are having dogs not human beings full of briberly,corrupt and employs relatives and friend who they eat together while the poor are sufferiny,crying I bitter some have died because of stress.let the TSC look for a good way of employing teachers genuinely please
Do the corrupt,greedy, the unhonest and all who do sins know wages of sin is death?You take opportunities of some teachers who have a chance for employment and you change it to another person who does not qualify. No peace to you,let my cry turn against you