TSC Reveals Salaries, Qualifications, Requirements and Selection Criteria for 7, 000 Teachers Lined up for Promotions to Junior Secondary Schools 2022-2023
TSC News Today; The Teachers Service Commission, TSC has released new promotion guidelines 2022-2023 for teachers wishing to be deployed to teach in junior secondary schools starting January 2023 when the first cohort of the new Competence-Based Curriculum CBC will join form One.
Reports reaching us today from the Ministry of Education indicate that the current grade 5 learners will join secondary schools after completing grade 6 syllabus as per the new Competence-Based Curriculum.
Currently, these learners are undertaking Competence-Based Assessment tests, CBA tests that will form the basis of their selection and placement to Junior Secondary Schools come January 2023.
According to the Kenya National Examinations Council Knec report on the status of the new Competence-Based Curriculum implementation in Kenya 2021, all CBC learners will be subjected to rigorous internal assessments in schools to determine their areas of strengths and weaknesses. These CBA tests will form part of the final assessment report that will be used to capture learners’ scores instead of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE certificate currently being used in Kenya.
Knec CBA tests will form 60 per cent of the learners’ final score but Knec will administer an independent final assessment to ascertain and serve as a control test before printing an assessment report for every CBC candidate at grade six level come December 2022 in preparation for the roll out of CBC in junior Secondary Schools in January 2023.
Teacher Qualifications (Selection Criteria) for Deployment to Junior Secondary Schools 2022-2023
Any teacher yearning for TSC Deployment to Junior Secondary Schools must possess a Degree and Diploma in Special Needs Education, Degree and Diploma in Early Childhood Development Education Diploma in Education (Primary option), Diploma in Education (Secondary option) and Bachelors Degree in Education (Secondary option) if lacking C+ at KCSE or C+ in teaching subjects.
The Commission has at the same time planned to train 60,000 high school teachers in March and April 2022 in preparation for the rollout of the new Competence-Based Curriculum at the Junior secondary level.
The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development in response to this has already developed syllabus designs from Grade One to Ten.
A report by CBC task force says the total number of 1,250,649 Grade Six and 1,320,395 Standard Eight learners are expected to join secondary school and Form one in January 2023 concurrently.