TSC; Verified Lists of Promoted TSC Teachers in May 2021 per County and Region; Bomet County, Rift Valley Region
To ensure fair distribution and regional balance this year, the Teachers’ employer Teachers Service Commission, TSC announced and competitively filled a total of 16,000 TSC Promotions Vacancies.
The Successfully Promoted Teachers have already received their letters upgrading them to the next higher level.
They are only waiting for the employer to honor the pledge of backdating their new and better salaries to March 2021 their latest TSC appointment date.
In this write-up, we shall present to you the full list of TSC promoted Teachers per County in the year 2021.
Bomet County, Rift Valley Region Official TSC List of Promoted Teachers and their Schools in 2021
In Bomet County, Rift Valley Region, a good number of both primary and secondary school teachers were lucky to land the highly sought-after 2021 TSC Promotions. In this list, we shall feature the full number of promoted secondary school teachers in Bomet County this year.
The list at our disposal is a true reflection of equity and fairness since the teachers promoted are drawn from the four categories of schools that is sub-county, county, extra-county, and national schools.
Furthermore, there is gender balance since both male and female teachers were promoted by TSC in Bomet County in 2021.
The total number of TSC promoted teachers in Bomet County this year is 45. Some of the secondary school teachers promoted in schools within Bomet County include Julius Kirui of Chemaner Secondary School, Augustine Ketko of Moi Minariet Boys High School, Emily Rono-Kaplong’ Boys Secondary School, and Eunice Rotich of Olbutyo Girls
TSC has therefore taken into account career progression guidelines and trashed the issue of promoting teachers with the highest KCSE mean scores.
What matters now is that the teachers added value and registered an improvement in their subject areas during the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education KCSE exams.
Besides, the Commission chose to decongest the backlog in L that is grade C3 by promoting teachers who have stagnated in Job group L for over 10 years first as proposed by the giant teachers union Kuppet.