TSC New Requirements List for the 2021/2022 Mass Recruitment/ Replacement: Commission Lists New Evidences Required by Intern Teachers on the interview day
TSC Revises Employment Requirements 2021-2022
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC advertised employment opportunities for the secondary school teachers in June.
The commission has already published the full list of TSC new requirements for upcoming July 2021-2022 mass Recruitment and Replacement exercises.
After the advertisement, the commission invited interrinte and qualified candidates to tender their online applications by 12th July after which Teachers Service Commission and Boards of Management are required to conduct the selection exercise for the advertised vacancies in their institutions.
The Selection Panel will be expected to exercise the highest degree of transparency and accountability, as stipulated in the Public Officers Ethics Act, and TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics 2015. The Head of Institution is required to induct the panel members on the relevant sections of the Act and CORT 2015 before the commencement of the selection exercise.
The TSC County Director MUST ensure that the recruitment process is done in strict adherence to the laid down protocols by the Ministry of Health on containment of COVID- 19 pandemic.
All applicants must be registered teachers as per Section 23 (1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012. Applicants who are not registered do not qualify to be recruited.
Applicants who apply for confirmation of results from KNEC should give the address of the County Director where they have submitted their applications.
Applicants whose names differ in the certificates and/or identity cards are required to present sworn affidavit on the difference in names.
Applicants who re-sat either KCPE or KCSE examinations (or their equivalents) MUST present certified copies of the certificate(s) of the national examination(s) in question for all attempts.
Internship Teachers
Teachers who are on internship have a reason to smile as the commission decided to reward them with a whopping 30 marks in the upcoming interview.
To show how marks have been distributed in this years recruitment
TSC Score sheet for july 2021 recruitment
This has come as a regret to those teachers who did not manage to secure internship jobs and those who did not bother to apply for internship interviews.
Both the senior and junior interns will smile all the way to the interview venues as the commission allocated them similar marks. As part of the interview, presenting supporting documents as evidence for internship is highly regarded. Otherwise, you won’t be awarded the 30 marks. The following are the required evidence by the teachers service commission required during the interview eve.
Evidence Required by Senior interns
Senior interns were contracted in December 2019 and started working in 2020 January. After the disruption of their contract by the Covid-19, the commission decided to extend their contract this year by one year which is likely to end in December 2021.
The commission had promised to award them with certificates of internship but till date, they have not received any.
During the interview, they will present the following that will serve as evidence for the award of the 30 marks.
1. Three Payslips for 2020 and three for 2021.
2. A letter from the institution where you were interned.
3. A letter from the County Director of Education detailing when you were contracted.
Evidence required by Junior interns
1. Three payslips for 2020, ( all original)
2. Letter from institution where you were interned
3. Letter from county Director of Education detailing when you were contracted.
The above documents will serve as evidence for internship and anybody who will miss any of the above, will find it as a stumbling block that will hinder him/her from securing a permanent job in this year’s July recruitment.
Therefore, on top of the academic and professional documents, let’s also remember to carry with is the above documents so that we don’t miss on this year’s recruitment.