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TSC List of Services Effected as From December 1, 2021; TSC Lists Services Offered to Teachers Online

NEW TEACHER REGISTRATION PROCESS AT THE TSC ONLINE SYSTEM. After graduation as a teacher, you will not be allowed to teach unless you are registered by TSC. Upon successful registration, you will be given a TSC number and Certificate. For a complete and simplified guide on this service click here; TSC new teacher registration guidelines, requirements and online procedure: Easily get your TSC Number CHECKING REGISTRATION STATUS AT THE TSC ONLINE SYSTEM. Upon submitting your application for TSC registration, you will be required to monitor the status of your application online. This is done by using the process in this link; How to check your TSC number online APPLICATION FOR DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION AT THE TSC ONLINE SYSTEM. In case you lost your TSC Registration Certificate, you can always apply for replacement. Here is your guide on how to go about it; TSC- How to apply for TSC Registration certificate replacement DECLARATION OF INCOME, ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AT THE TSC ONLINE SYSTEM. As a government employee, you must declare your income, assests and liabilities after every two financial years. The Commission has provided an online portal for wealth declaration at the TSC online system. To use this service, visit this guide; STEP BY STEP GUIDE ON HOW TO FILL THE WEALTH DECLARATION FORM ONLINE TPAD TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AT THE TSC ONLINE SYSTEM. TSC requires that you submit your termly appraisal returns online. For simplified TSC appraisals guides and portal login, visit; TSC TPAD 2 portal; http://tpad2.tsc.go.ke/TSC List of Services Effected as From December 1, 2021; TSC Lists Services Offered to Teachers Online

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