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TSC :Intern Teachers Recruitment Guidelines, Score Sheet – Secondary Schools 2020/2021
Score Sheet Intern Teachers-Secondary Schools
Following the advertisement for recruitment of teacher interns, Boards of Management of schools are required to conduct the selection exercise for the advertised vacancies in their respective institutions.
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Read also: Intern Teachers TSC Recruitment Guidelines, Score Sheet – Primary Schools 2020/2021
Selection Panel
The Selection Panel will be expected to exercise the highest degree of transparency and accountability, as stipulated in the Public Officers Ethics Act, and TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics for Teachers.
The Head of Institution is required to induct members of the Board of Management/Selection panel on the relevant areas of the TSC Act, the Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT) and the relevant administrative procedures prior to the commencement of the exercise.
The TSC County Director MUST ensure that the recruitment process is done in strict adherence to the protocols by the Ministry of Health on containment of COVID– 19 pandemic.
General information to applicants
All applicants must be registered teachers as per Section 23(1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012.
Applicants who are not registered do not qualify to be recruited.
Applicants who apply for confirmation of results from KNEC should provide the address of the County Director where they made their application.
It will be the responsibility of the applicants to ensure that the results are received within 14 days after the verification of certificates by the County Directors.
Applicants whose names differ in the certificates and/or identity cards are required to provide a duly sworn Affidavit explaining the variation in names or the sequence thereof.
Applicants who re-sat either KCPE or KCSE examinations (or their equivalent) MUST present certified copies of the certificate(s) of the national examination(s) in question for all attempts.
Applicants will be required to submit their applications to: The Secretary, Teachers Service Commission through online platform www.teacheronline.tsc.go.ke for the county where a vacancy has been declared.
System generated Merit list will be sent to the County Directors.
Upon receipt of the Merit List, the County Directors shall share with their respective Sub-County Directors and Heads of Institutions.
Heads of Institutions shall use the Merit List to organize for the interviews in consultation with their respective Sub-County Directors.
Upon invitation for interview, applicants will be expected to appear with originals and clear copies of the following documents:
National Identification card;
National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPWD) Card (where applicable);
KCPE certificate or its equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one repeated exams);
KCSE certificates or its equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one repeated exams);
Diploma/Degree certificate and official transcripts;
Certificate of Registration as a teacher;
Sworn Affidavit where names appearing on the submitted documents differ;
Primary and Secondary School leaving certificates and other relevant testimonials.
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The date, venue and time of the interview should be displayed on Notice Boards at the County, Sub–Counties, Zonal and Institutional offices.
Heads of Institutions should communicate to all shortlisted applicants through SMS (Short Message Service) at least seven (7) days before the actual date of interview.
This provision MUST be strictly observed to ensure that all applicants are notified of the date of the Interview, venue and time.
All applicants, regardless of gender, disability, ethnicity or Home County should be given equal opportunity. However, in case of a tie in the scores by the applicants, consideration will be given on the following in their order of priority:
Applicant (s) disability status, if any;
The Applicant‘s performance/ grade in teaching practice;
Preference will be given to applicant/s who graduated earlier in time;
Academic and professional performance demonstrated through certificates i.e. higher aggregate KCSE grade will be given foremost consideration.
The names of Interviewed applicants ranked in order of performance during the selection process for each vacancy (Appendix iii) will be submitted to the Commission by the County Director together with relevant recruitment documents.
Applicants who were previously employed by the Commission DO NOT qualify for the internship programme.
Awarding of Marks Based on Academic Qualification
Degree (BED)
First class 35
Second Class Upper 30
Second Class Lower 25
Pass 20
Degree + PGDE or BSC+PGDE
First class 35
Second Class Upper 30
Second Class Lower 25
Pass 20
Diploma + Dip Tech Education
Distinction 25
Credit 20
Pass 15
Diploma in Education
Distinction 25
Credit 20
Pass 15
Maximum Score 35
Awarding of marks for Length of stay since qualifying as a teacher (since graduation)
2012 and before 60
2013 55
2014 50
2015 45
2016 40
2017 35
2018 30
2019 and after 25
Advantage of Communication ability and Co-curricular certificate of participation
One who has a co-curricular certificate of participation will also stand higher chances of scoring more marks. This part is very crucial when it comes to breaking of ties.
Communication Skill and Presentation 2
Participation in Co-curricular activities 1
Students’ academic performance(Exam Record) 1
Special Talent(s) 1
So as to be on a safe side, it is important to provide evidence by producing a document to score above marks.NB:No candidate should score zero in this section
It is important to note that good command in communication and convincing confidence level will put you in a good position to secure a job with TSC.
Finally, Ensure that your content mastery in your teaching subjects is commendable.
An applicant dissatisfied with the conduct of the recruitment exercise for any reason in breach of the Guidelines should immediately submit a written complaint to the County Director and send an email thereof to the Teachers Service Commission Headquarters through: ddstaffingp@tsc.go.ke not later than seven (7) days after the selection exercise;
Upon receipt of the complaint, the County Director should, within seven (7) days analyze and address the issue/s raised and thereafter respond to the complainant and submit a Reprt to the Headquarters elaborating on the matter and indicating the action taken.
Where the complaint is made against the County Director, the TSC Headquarters shall investigate the allegations and take appropriate remedial action.
TSC recruitment score sheet 2020/2021
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