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TSC Commits to Finalize CBA Talks with SRC, Teachers’ Unions by June, 2021;  TSC Salaries 2021


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TSC Commits to Finalize CBA Talks with SRC, Teachers’ Unions by June, 2021;  TSC Salaries 2021


The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is constitutionally mandated to register employ and deploy teachers to serve on permanent and pensionable terms.

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The Commission is also charged with the responsibility of effecting promotions and transfers of teachers. Currently, the Commission is planning massive teacher transfers in April.

For full details, click on this link

April 2021 TSC Transfers; Latest TSC Delocalization News

Teachers on the other hand are instrumental in effective curriculum implementation.

Besides imparting knowledge and skills in learners, they help inculcate values and mould the characters of their learners.

Latest Update on New TSC Teachers Collective Bargaining Agreement, CBA 2021- 2025

TSC Commits to Finalize CBA Talks with SRC, Teachers' Unions by June, 2021;  TSC Salaries 2021

The kenyan teachers have been pushing for a better pay from their employer because what they earn does not measure up to the great responsibilities they perform in schools.

The teachers have demanded for an enhanced package in the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement but their employer has been too slow on finalizing the process of getting the CBA.

The TSC had submitted proposals of 16-30 percent increment on basic salary to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission but the teachers unions claimed they were not involved in the negotiations.

The commission recently confirmed that the SRC had not completed the job evaluations for all the government employees.

The teachers have been looking forward to enjoying a better pay by July once the new CBA goes through.

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On a positive note ,the teachers employer has indicated that it is expediting the process to ensure that the teachers earn a better package come July 1 ,2021 when the new CBA will be implemented.

This is good news to teachers who have been worried by the slow progress by Tsc.

TSC to recruit more teachers soon, full details below

The government is staring at an acute crisis in  public secondary schools following the double intake expected in two years that will make it necessary to hire more than sixty thousand teachers.

The crisis arises from the fact that two groups of learners who are now in deferent classes at primary level are expected to join junior secondary school at the same time.

Secondary schools are projected to Admit the pioneers of the new competency based curriculum class currently at grade four in 2023.

This group is expected to join junior secondary school at grade 7 under new education system.

This will also be the time learners who are currently in class 6 will be joining form one but under the 8-4-4 curriculum .This will run concurrently.

Another double intake will take place in 2024 when the current class 5 and grade 3 will be joining junior secondary school.

With the government pushing for 100 percent transition and with the enrolment numbers rising annually, more teachers who are conversant with the competency based curriculum will be much needed.

This 100 percent policy was introduced in 2018 by president Uhuru kenyatta through ministry of education. It created the need for additional 27000 teachers.

This emerges at the time government through TSC is under pressure to plug existing staff shortage. This Means an extra budget is required for hiring and training teachers on the new CBC approach .

According to TSC 2019-2023 strategic plan, the teacher shortage is projected to rise to 61, 671 when pioneers of CBC junior secondary school will join high school.

There is also need to train teachers to handle much younger learners in secondary school because JSS learner’s are expected to be 12 years old unlike 8-4-4 where they were 14 years.


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