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TSC December 2022 Replacement: TSC Releases New formula to replace teachers 

TSC December 2022 Replacement: TSC Releases New formula to replace teachers  The Teachers Service Commission may fail to conduct (TSC) replacement interviews this year in a bid to cut down on the cost of employing teachers. A privy source whose identity we will not reveal for obvious reasilons has confided in our team confirming that the Commission may replace teachers using the interview results and merit lists used in the July 2022 Mass Recruitment exercise. According to the privy source, the Commission will…

TSC List Of Transferred Teachers and School Administrators Per County and Region 2022/2023

TSC Full List Of Transferred Teachers and School Administrators Per County and Region 2022-2023 TSC News Today: Additional List Of Transferred Teachers And Principals With Their Respective Stations Per County The list of TSC Teachers affected by the April TSC Mass Transfers and Delocalization will be posted HERE on May 10 once the processing of the 2022 transfer applications is complete. Click HERE to Read Today's Latest TSC News. The nationwide exercise began yesterday and will see teachers from both primary…

TSC Honours its Pledge, Announces Mass Recruitment Of Teachers To Counter Shortage Of Teachers

 TSC Honours its Pledge, Announces Mass Recruitment Of Teachers To Counter Shortage Of Teachers TSC Announces Mass Recruitment Of Teachers To Counter Shortage Of Teachers The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on Tuesday, March 22 announced the mass recruitment of teachers to counter the shortage of instructors in Kenya’s North-Eastern region. Speaking in Mombasa, TSC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nancy Macharia explained that the government gave the green light for the enrolment…

TSC Teachers’ TPD Training Suspended as MPs Trash teachers’ 30-year training programme, Call for its halting, Terming it Illegal and…

TSC Teachers' TPD Training Suspended as MPs Trash teachers’ 30-year training programme, Call for its halting, Terming it Illegal and Uncalled for TSC News Today: Speaking in Parliament, National Assembly Education and Research Committee chairperson Florence Mutua says implementing TPD would infringe on teachers’ rights.  Facts about TSC TPD Training Training was to be offered by four institutions, all based in Nairobi, to the disadvantage of other regions.  The Teachers Service Commission…

Inside TSC List of 60,000 Teachers To Be Trained this April on Junior Secondary CBC Teaching Methods

TSC Lists First Cohort of 60,000 Teachers to be Trained for Junior Secondary this April TSC News Today: TSC List of Teachers Affected by April 2022 CBC Training for Junior Secondary TSC targets PE and Science teachers in April training on junior secondary TSC list of PE and Science teachers to be trained in April on junior secondary The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will train around 60,000 secondary school teachers in April this year on the new curriculum.   The teachers will be put in a crash…

TSC Remote Learning Benefits; Here are the Pros of remote or hybrid learning Launched By TSC

TSC Remote Learning Benefits; Here are the Pros of remote or hybrid learning Launched By TSC Benefits of remote or hybrid learning Launched By TSC Since its outbreak in 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has been a seismic shock to the status quo, upsetting long-held traditions and ways of doing things, disrupting the norm and creating new norms. Remote learning occurs when all learners participate in the lesson online, whereas hybrid learning occurs when some learners participate in the lesson…

TSC; Why MPs may Disband the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Soon

TSC; Why MPs may Disband the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Soon Latest TSC News Today indicate that the impregnable Teachers Service Commission that is at times  derogatorily dubbed Teachers Service Commission may never see the light of the day if the Members of Parliament succeed to clip its wings. According to the Saturday Nation, Members of Parliament are at the verge of dethroning the Nancy Macharia led commission if things fall into place. The Standard has established that Members of parliament are now…

TSC Salary Increment 2022: Why Primary Teachers With Degrees Are Whetting Appetite for Higher Salaries, Promotions in 2022 as Ministry…

TSC Salary Increment 2022: Why Primary Teachers With Degrees Are Whetting Appetite for Higher Salaries, Promotions in 2022 as Ministry Clears The Air On Junior Secondary Schools The competency based curriculum (CBC) whose pioneer class will be joining junior secondary school next year is here to stay. The debate on who should host the school has been on for some time but now it's official that it will be domiciled in secondary schools and not primary. State department for implementation of CBC reforms PS…

TSC Promotions 2022-2023 Deployment Guidelines Changes Looming as MPs Back P1 Teachers With C In KCSE To Be Promoted And Deployed to Junior…

TSC Promotions 2022-2023 Deployment Guidelines Changes Looming as MPs Back P1 Teachers With C In KCSE To Be Promoted And Deployed to Junior Secondary Schools  TSC Deployment Promotions 2022: The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) may be forced to reconsider its position as legislatures take the Commission head on regarding teacher qualifications in employment and promotions. The Members of Parliament (Mps), now want TSC to allow teachers who scored KCSE mean grade C (plain) or below and acquired Diploma’s,…

TSC Salaries 2022-2023:  Teachers in new demands, among them pay deal signed last year negotiated afresh

TSC Salaries 2022-2023:  Teachers in new demands, among them pay deal signed last year negotiated afresh In Summary: KUPPET, KNUT and KUSNET swallowed a bait last year after signing a non-monetary Collective bargaining agreement CBA 2021-2025 unconditionally. In what seems to be a change of tune, the unions are now drumming for war demanding for a review of the CBA. Get all the latest TSC and Education Breaking News Today Here. Teachers want the salary deal signed last year without monetary benefit to be…

TSC Disciplinary Process Changes as TSC tightens the noose on sex fugitives following the release of shocking Details in schools

TSC Disciplinary Process Changes as TSC tightens the noose on sex fugitives following the release of shocking Details in schools Shock as high number of Sexual harassment cases are reported in schools, with cases of male teachers prying on their students on the lead. Sexual harassment in schools is not a new thing in schools and this is proven by the data released by the Teachers Service Commission recently. In the report, TSC has stated that in the last three years, 282 teachers have been sacked and…

KUPPET Roots For Fresh Salary Review for all TSC Teachers; TSC News Today

 KUPPET Roots For Fresh Salary Review for all TSC Teachers; TSC News Today TSC Teachers' New Salaries 2022 TSC Teachers salary increment has been a thorny issue affecting both primary and secondary school teachers. Intern teachers have not been spared either by the ever rising inflation rate making it barely possible for TSC employed teachers to afford a decent lifestyle worth their efforts on matters service delivery. In December, there arose claims that the Uhuru Kenyatta government had increased the TSC Budgetary…

TSC Categories of Teachers Listed for Salary Rise December 2021-2025 CBA; TSC Boss sheds more Light on the Impending November 2021 Pay Rise…

TSC Categories of Teachers Listed for Salary Rise December 2021-2025 CBA; TSC Boss sheds more Light on the Impending November 2021 Pay Rise for All Teachers : TSC Clarifications On When Teachers Will Receive This Month’s Salary  Teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission, TSC-Kenya, have been and are still a bundle of nerves after news about the looming Pay rise set to affect their November salaries hit the air this week. What even seems to be sweeter music to the TSC employed teachers' ears is the fact…

TSC Extends Deadline for Updating of Profiles by Teachers; TSC Profile Updating Process

TSC profile update online- a simplified guide; TSC Extended Deadline for Teachers to Update their Profile Online latest TSC News  Today TSC Extends Deadline for Updating of Profiles by Teachers The Teachers Service Commission, TSC has extended the deadline for teachers to update their profiles online. According to the latest TSC News on Teachers' profile updates online, all teachers on Internship or permanent and pensionable terms have barely thirty days to comply with the Commission's directives. The new…

TSC Introduces new Criteria for determining teachers’ salaries and allowances increments for the 2021-2025 CBA

TSC Introduces new Criteria for determining teachers’ salaries and allowances increments for the 2021-2025 CBA The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has introduced new criteria that will henceforth affect how Teachers' Salaries are determined in the new CBA 2021-2025. According to the latest proposal by the Commission, only teachers who are TSC compliant are eligible for pay rise in the new CBA 2021-2025. Read also TSC News Today Latest Knec News Today Latest Breaking News Today Education News Today Latest…

Teachers’ Fresh salaries, promotions; Details of the 2021-2025 TSC- KUPPET Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA)

Teachers’ Fresh salaries, promotions; Details of the 2021-2025 TSC- KUPPET Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) TSC latest news on 2021-2025 CBA: The teachers' boss Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been relieved of the guilt fanned by the fact that classroom teachers received a raw deal in the previous CBA. This follows the Parliamentary Education Committee's intervention that revoked SRC freeze of salary increment for teachers and other civil servants for the next four years last week. Read Also…

TSC dismisses favoritism talk in choice of four TPD Training Institutions: TSC TPD News Today 2021/2022

TSC dismisses favoritism talk in choice of four TPD Training Institutions: TSC TPD News Today 2021/2022 The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has revealed that the four institutions it accredited to offer the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programme were competitively identified through a procurement process and flexible payment mode agreed upon. TSC Director of Quality Assurance and Standards (QAS) Dr. Reuben Nthamburi said the service providers were identified competitively, negotiated about the…

TSC dispatches deployment letters for P1 teachers posted to secondary: TSC Deployment letters and list of successful applicants per county…

TSC dispatches deployment letters for P1 teachers posted to secondary: TSC Deployment letters and list of successful applicants per county and region Latest TSC News- The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has started the process of dispatching a total of 1,000 Deployment letters for primary school teachers following the release of a list of teachers who have been deployed to secondary schools this year. The teachers were deployed effective February. TSC Deployment Lists per County and Region For the first time,…

Hardship areas as listed by TSC and Hardship allowance rates per job group

Hardship areas as listed by TSC and Hardship allowance rates per job group Full list of hardship areas as designated by TSC and hardship allowances paid to teachers Full list of hardship areas as designated by TSC and hardship allowances paid to teachers. The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, pays extra allowances (hardship allowances) to teachers working in areas classified as hardship. While classifying an area to be a hardship area, the locality must meet any of these conditions: Lack of or…

TSC Pension Processing Status 2021/2022: TSC streamlines pension records, merges the department with human resource to speed up process 

TSC Pension Processing Status 2021/2022: TSC streamlines pension records, merges the department with human resource to speed up process  The Teachers Service Commission, TSC is actively involved in the processing of pension for teachers who have attained the mandatory retirement age which has been set at 60 years. A pension is a retirement plan for employees which requires an employee to make contributions to a pool of funds to shield them once their active service lapses. Good news to Retired Teachers as TSC…

TSC Promotions for Senior Teachers Grade C2 (Primary) and Senior Masters Grade C4 (Secondary)

TSC Promotions for Senior Teachers Grade C2 (Primary) and Senior Masters Grade C4 (Secondary) TSC  Promotions; TSC has indeed proved beyond any reasonable doubt that it can stand the test of time when it comes to offering equal opportunity for growth and career progression to teachers who serve faithfully. Besides recently promoting long-serving teachers, the Commission has announced plans of  expanding salary bands for senior teachers. The good news is that these senior teachers are likely to replace exiting school…

Baringo teacher throws baby into fire over paternity dispute; Latest TSC News

TSC News Latest: Baringo teacher throws baby into fire over paternity dispute; Latest TSC Teachers News TSC Teachers News: A head teacher in Baringo County has left a trail of destruction and a Hallmark of inhumanity after he allegedly threw a five month infant into fire following a paternity dispute. The suspect is currently in police custody awaiting to be arraigned in court for the heinous crime. The teacher hails from Ng’aratuko, Baringo North Sub-County whete he allegedly attempted to kill the baby,…

TSC Promotions Results Processing Status 2021; TSC Teachers’ Promotions Results Marred by Disquiet as Political Leaders Decry…

TSC Promotions Results Processing Status 2021; TSC Teachers' Promotions Results Marred by Disquiet as Political Leaders Decry Unfairness  Did you recently get shortlisted for TSC Promotions interviews but you are yet to receive your results? New details reaching us at newspro.co.ke now indicate that teachers who attended TSC teachers promotion Interviews in December 2020 and February 2021 for the various advertised Promotion Vacancies may have to exhibit the patience of a cobra before their results are processed by…

TSC New Email Activation Email Url Link Via TSC Portal 2021

TSC Email Activation Email Url- Link Via TSC Portal 2021 Here Is the official TSC Email Activation Email Link for teachers Via TSC Portal Earlier this year, the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, introduced an e-platform for official emails, virtual meetings, and remote learning. The e-platform targets all teachers employed by the Commission and those undergoing internship programs. The commission directed that heads of institutions, and…

TSC Internship Salaries 2021 processing status: Confirmed pay day for 2021 TSC Teacher Interns

TSC Internship Salaries 2021 -2022 processing status: Confirmed pay day for 2021 TSC Teacher Interns TSC; That the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, pays  newly recruited teacher interns a monthly stipend ranging between Kshs 15,000 and Kshs 20, 000 is an open secret. What newly absorbed TSC interns are however not made to understand is their confirmed pay day. Having tarmacked for some time, newly employed TSC teachers including interns cannot simply wait for their salaries to be remitted and their Payslips being…

TSC: Relief to newly employed Internship Teachers as TSC Promises to Pay their salaries this Month; TSC internship salaries 2021

TSC News: Relief to newly employed Internship Teachers as TSC Promises to Pay their salaries this Month; TSC internship salaries 2021 Are you a newly recruited TSC intern teacher and you have been waiting for your salary all along? Well. The Teachers Service Commission has got good news for you that will put a smile on your face as pay day fast approaches this April. According to the latest news hitting our newsdesk today, all newly absorbed TSC intern teachers should expect their full Salaries this month now that…

TSC list of teachers to be vaccinated against Covid-19 by June, Check if you fall among the target group

TSC list of teachers to be vaccinated against Covid-19 by June, Check if you fall among the target group After giving enough room for speculation, the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, finally released data showing which teachers are targetted for the ongoing covid-19 vaccination by June, 2021.  The list contains approximately 110,000 teachers who will be given first priority for the Covid-19 vaccine. TSC list of teachers for covid-19 vaccination selection criteria Advanced age: The teachers’ employer said…

TSC: List of TSC Allowances to be scrapped or slashed by Commission in 2021

TSC: List of TSC Allowances to be scrapped or slashed by Commission in 2021 TSC allowances news 2021- The Salaries and Remuneration Commission, SRC, has hatched a major shake-up that will see several civil employees including teachers deprived of a good number of allowances. List of Allowances The radical surgery will see some of the allowances being abolished and others restructured. A 2019 study by SRC identified 247 allowances paid to public officers, which accounted for 48 percent of the total wage bill…

TSC unveils a new training manual for all teachers

TSC unveils a new training manual for all teachers Teachers Service Commission (TSC) headed by CEO Nancy Macharia has unveiled a new training manual for all teachers across the country. In a statement on Thursday, March 25, the commission urged all teachers to acquaint themselves with the new manual dubbed Remote Learning Methodologies Training Manual. The manual seeks to equip the tutors with skills to manoeuver the education industry in the digital age and ensure students, including those from remote areas,…

Teachers’ Salaries and Promotions 2021; Resolutions arrived at during the March 2021 Naivasha retreat involving KUPPET and TSC…

Teachers' Salaries and Promotions 2021; Resolutions arrived at during the March 2021 Naivasha retreat involving KUPPET and TSC representatives  Latest news on the new 2021-2025 teachers' CBA: The teachers' employer, TSC, held a fruitful four-day retreat with representatives of KUPPET in Naivasha in March 2021. KNUT representatives were missing in action as usual-a clear indication that the union is losing its relevance when it comes to teachers' matters. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) reached a number of…