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TSC internship news 2021

TSC Internship Contract Renewal 2021/2022; How many Times Can TSC  Intern Teachers Renew Their Contract? Commission Provides Answers, Check…

TSC Internship Contract Renewal 2021/2022; How many Times Can TSC  Intern Teachers Renew Their Contract? Commission Provides Answers, Check out the Fate of Internship Teachers 2021-2022 Below TSC Internship is a newly introduced Pre-service teacher training aimed at addressing the ever widening teacher: learner ratio. In 2020, the Teachers Service Commission, TSC renewed the TSC Internship Contract for teacher interns recruited in December 2019. What these teacher interns are unaware of however is the…

TSC Internship Salaries 2021 processing status: Confirmed pay day for 2021 TSC Teacher Interns

TSC Internship Salaries 2021 -2022 processing status: Confirmed pay day for 2021 TSC Teacher Interns TSC; That the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, pays  newly recruited teacher interns a monthly stipend ranging between Kshs 15,000 and Kshs 20, 000 is an open secret. What newly absorbed TSC interns are however not made to understand is their confirmed pay day. Having tarmacked for some time, newly employed TSC teachers including interns cannot simply wait for their salaries to be remitted and their Payslips being…