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Kindly Allow the Gospel Star Ruth Matete Mourn her Husband Apewajoye in Peace!
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Losing a beloved one especially one’s soul mate is a tragedy beyond measure. It is worse when death knocks on the doors of newlyweds. Ruth Matete, the renowned Tusker Project Fame Winner (2012) and his late beloved husband had barely lived together as husband and wife for six months. Death is so cruel that one doesn’t lose a loved one without losing part of his soul. This can only be understood by individuals who have walked this path of losing the loved ones, as the adage goes, you never miss the water until the well runs dry!
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After the late John Apewajoye succumbed to the injuries he sustained from a fire outbreak in his house following a faulty gas cylinder the internet became awash with all sorts of stories concerning the untimely death of Pastor John. I read in utter shock and disbelief stories that were doing rounds in the social media explaining the possible causes of his sudden death. Some purported that he had died following God’s punishment having abandoned his other family back in Nigeria. Others claimed that he had been bewitched by his own first wife so that Ruth could not have him. One writer had the guts to explain how the vows he( the late John) had taken earlier while marrying his first wife had come haunting him after breaking them by walking to the altar with another woman-Ruth. It is heart-rending when everyone becomes a judge of some sort heaping blames on the late John and the bereaved Ruth. All these vitriols pouring in the wake of one’s husband’s death. How inhuman can people get? How insensitive can we be? All that Ruth and her close family need are messages of condolences and hope. They need encouragement and hope if they have to surmount the tragedy that has befallen their lives.
It is greatly disturbing that Ruth Matete has had a fair share of problems in her life, just like most of us. It hasn’t been all rosy, having again lost her mother quite early in life. For those who can relate, it is not easy growing up as an adolescent without a mother figure. It’s quite a challenge, but the resilient and talented star Ruth braved it all only for the cruel hands of death to snatch away her most precious gift-John Apewajoye- her husband!
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