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KCSE 2021/2022 Top 100 Schools with the Highest Number of As per County and Region


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KCSE 2021/2022 Top 100 Schools with the Highest Number of As per County and Region

Nyabururu Girls High School KCSE 2021-2022 Results and Form One Admission 2022-Nyabururu Girls High 2021 KCSE Results Analysis and Ranking by Knec in 2022; Current (2020) KCSE School Mean Score (7.0), Number of As, A- Minus, Grade Summary, Distribution & Rank-Position 6 in Kisii County

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Are you looking for the list of KCSE 2021-2022 Top 100 Schools with the Highest Number of As? Here is the list of Top 100 Schools in KCSE 2021  that posted the highest number of As, A- minuses, and the highest number of university qualifiers for the 2022-2023 KUCCPS placement and admission cycle.

For all KUCCPS Related News, access the KUCCPS portal by clicking HERE.

KUCCPS Latest News Today; The university KCSE entry cut-off point for the 2021-2022 KCSE candidates is C+ Plus.

Kuccps 2021-2022 Placement Results; Kapsabet Boys, Mang’u High, and Maranda Scoop Lion’s Share of the 2021-2022 KUCCPS Placement Slots after attaining over 98% pass rate to universities. 145, 145 2021 kcse candidates qualified for the university during the 2022 KUCCPS placement. Get all these details at the KUCCPS Portal by clicking HERE.

KCSE 2021 List of Schools with Straight As

 School NameKCSE



Of As




Of As




1 Kapsabet Boys National School  104 A Plain, 191 A- Minus

N/B: This translates to 9.14% of all the KCSE 2021 As nationally.

(65 A Plain-KCSE 2020)

 10.690 A- Minus

Pass Rate-100%

Total Candidature-461 candidates


Nandi Rift Valley 
2 Mang’u Boys National School  110 A Plain

(42 A Plain-KCSE 2020)

 10.284 B+ Plus KiambuCentral 
3 Maranda Boys National School  30 A Plain, 141 A- Minus

N/B: This is a drop in the number of As by 18.

(48 A Plain-KCSE 2020)

9.1 B Plain

Pass Rate-90.18%

Total Candidature-621 candidates

4 Kenya High School  64 A Plain, 130 A- Minus

N/B: Kenya High Produced  4 KCSE 2021 Top 15 candidates nationally.

 10.42 B+ Plus NairobiNairobi 
5 Alliance Girls National School  59 A Plain, 126 A- Minus Total Candidature-470 candidates KiambuCentral 
6 Kagumo High School  40 A Plain, 98 A- Minus 9.78 B+ Plus

Pass Rate-98%

Total Candidature-349 candidates

7Light Academy-Nairobi   22 A Plain,  9.61 B+ Plus

Total Candidature-137

8 Moi Girls Eldoret    9.504 B+ Plus Uasin GishuRift Valley 
9  Friends School Kamusinga  31 A Plain, 105 A- Minus 9.6186 B+ Plus

Total Candidature-364

10 Kitui School   9.50 B+ Plus

KCSE 2020 Mean-9.15 B

Pass Rate-99.4%

Total Candidature-180

 Kitui Eastern 
11 St Charles Lwanga School   8.95  B Plain


12 Makueni Boys High School   8.26 B- Minus MakueniEastern 
13 Moi High School Kabarak   24 A Plain, 109 A- Minus, 85 B+, 68 B10.369 B+ Plus

KCSE 2020 Mean-9.56 B+

Pass Rate-97%

Total Candidature-180

 NakuruRift Valley 
14 Ambira Boys High School 1 A Plain, 14 A- Minus 8.45 B- Minus SiayaNyanza 
15 Maseno School   20 A Plain, 74 A- Minus8.86 B Plain Kisumu Nyanza 
16Chemelil Sugar Academy   1 A Plain, 11 A- Minus 8.3 B- Minus Kisumu Nyanza 
17 Orero Boys High School 6 A Plain, 66 A- Minus 9.4 B Plain Homa Bay CountyNyanza 
18Mbita High School  15 A Plain, 83 A- Minus 9.15 B Plain  Homa Bay County Nyanza 
19 Asumbi Girls National School 2 A Plain, 57 A- Minus 8.81 B Plain  Homa Bay County Nyanza 
20 Agoro Sare High School 15 A Plain, 74 A- Minus 8.50 B Plain Homa Bay County Nyanza 
21Kisii High School  20 A Plain, 88 A- Minus  8.90 B Plain KisiiNyanza 
22 Nyabururu Girls High School  7 A Plain, 32 A- Minus  8.84 B Plain KisiiNyanza 
23 Nyambaria High School 4 A Plain, 79 A- Minus  9.308 B PlainNyamira Nyanza 
24 Sironga Girls National School 3 A Plain, 30 A- Minus   8.7 B Plain NyamiraNyanza 
25 Sheikh Khalifa School  9.01 B Plain  MombasaCoast 
26Light Academy Mombasa    8.73 B PlainMombasa Coast 
27Memon Academy    8.20 B- MinusMombasa Coast 
28 Kanga High School 24 A Plain, 82 A- Minus  9.2445 B Plain

Pass Rate-91.44 %

Total Candidature-409

KCSE 2020 Mean-9.066 B Plain



Get a detailed analysis of the 2021 KCSE Results for all schools at the KNEC portal by clicking HERE.

KCSE 2021, 2022 Top 200 Schools Nationally

School NameKCSE 2022/2023 MeanKCSE 2021 Mean ScoreRank/ Position NationallyCounty
Kapsabet Boys 10.6881Nandi
The Kenya High School  10.422Nairobi
Moi High School Kabarak 10.363Nakuru
Alliance High School 10.194Kiambu
St Brigid’s Girls Kiminini 10.055Trans Nzoia
Kagumo High School 9.786Nyeri
Friends School Kamusinga 9.61867Bungoma
Moi Girls Eldoret 9.528Uasin Gishu
Mary Hill Girls High School 9.5129Kiambu
Kitui School  9.510Kitui
Lugulu Girls 9.481411Bungoma
Baricho Boys High School  9.4512Kirinyaga
Starehe Boys Centre 9.4413Nairobi
Orero High School 9.408314Homa Bay
St Gonzaga Gonza Isoge 9.35615Nyamira
Kabianga High School 9.346716Kericho
Gendia High School 9.312117Homa Bay
Nyambaria School 9.308618Nyamira
Nyansiongo High 9.301319Nyamira
Murang’a High 9.320Murang’a
Kanga Boys High School 9.2421Migori
Kebirigo Boys 9.17422Nyamira
Mbita High School 9.159523Homa Bay
Moi Tea Girls High School 9.13724Kericho
Sheikh Khalifa  9.125Mombasa
Maranda High School 9.126Siaya
Ugenya High School 9.0527Siaya
Nyakeore Secondary 9.0328Nyamira
Maseno School 9.02229Kisumu
Nairobi School 930Nairobi
Moi Girls High Sindo 931Homa Bay
Kianda School  8.9932Nairobi
Meru School 8.9833Meru
Kisii School 8.9334Kisii
Kiage Tumaini  8.9335Kisii
St Claire Seondary Elburgon 8.936Nakuru
Mudasa Academy 8.937Vihiga
Baringo High School 8.85838Baringo
Bishop Gatimu Girls Ngandu 8.85839Nyeri
St Peter’s Nyakemincha 8.841640Nyamira
Nyabururu Girls High School 8.8441Kisii
Asumbi Girls High School 8.81242Homa Bay
Ober Boys Secondary 8.843Homa Bay
Sironga Girls High School 8.7644Nyamira
Nanyuki High School 8.7445Laikipia
Meteitei Boys 8.73346Nandi
Light Academy 8.7347Mombasa
Nyakongo Boys 8.72148Nyamira
Nakuru Girls High School 8.749Nakuru
Chogoria Girls High School 8.6550Tharaka Nithi
Riokindo Boys 8.651Kisii
Bunyore Girls 8.56352Vihiga
Nakuru Boys High School 8.5653Nakuru
St Mary’s Igoji 8.5254Meru
Moi High School Mbiruri 8.5255Embu
Kapsabet Girls High School 8.556Nandi
Agoro Sare High School 8.557Homa Bay
Kyeni Girls High School 8.4958Embu
St Joseph’s Boys High School, Kitale 8.4559Trans Nzoia
St Anthony’s Boys School, Kitale  8.4560Trans Nzoia
Ambira High School 8.4561Siaya
Nyakoiba Secondary 8.4162Kisii
Tenwek Boys High School 8.463Bomet
Chemelil Sugar Academy 8.464Kisumu
Lenana School 8.371965Nairobi
Litein Boys High School 8.3366Kericho
Riara Springs 8.3267Nairobi
Butere Girls  8.302368Kakamega
Tabagon Girls High School 8.369Baringo
Nkubu High School 8.370Meru
Sigoti Complex Secondary School 8.2971Kisumu
Utumishi Boys Academy 8.2372Nakuru
Starehe Girls Centre 8.2373Kiambu
Nyalenda Mixed Secondary  8.226474Homa Bay
Kaaga Girls High School 8.2275Meru
Kebulonik High School  8.276Nandi
Kakamega School 8.277Kakamega
Bishop Linus Okok Girls 8.278Homa Bay
Lelu Secondary  8.1779Kericho
Kisumu Girls High School 8.1580Kisumu
Joseph’s Girls Chepterit 8.1481Nandi
St Joseph’s Rapogi 8.13582Migori
Samoei Boys High School 8.1183Nandi
Metkei Girls High School 8.184Elgeyo Marakwet
Maria Soti Girls High 8.0785Elgeyo Marakwet
St Patrick’s Iten 8.0586Elgeyo Marakwet
Saye Mixed Secondary  8.04987Homa Bay
Nyaikuro High School 8.04688Kisii
Pioneer School 8.0489Murang’a
Mwongori High 8.014190Nyamira
Qubaa Muslim 8.0191Mombasa
Ndalat Gaa Girls Secondary School 8.0192Elgeyo Marakwet
Chavakali Boys 8.009893Vihiga
Moi Kapsowar Girls High School 894Elgeyo Marakwet
Tonga Boys 895Homa Bay
Rangenyo Girls High School 7.944896Nyamira
Moi Girls Isinya 7.9297Kajiado
Nyangwa Boys High School 7.998Embu
Good Shepherd Minor Seminary 7.999Samburu
Kaplong Girls High School 7.9100Bomet

KCSE 2021/2022 Top Candidates

KCSE 2021 Top Male/ Overall Candidate: Jariel Ndeda Obura of Mangu High (A of 87.167)

KCSE 2021 Top Girl/ Female Student: Mwendo Cecily Mutheu of Kenya High (87.103) 

RankTop KCSE

2021 Candidate’s Name

KCSE 2021 Mean School


 1Jariel Ndeda Obura An of 87.167Mangu High School Kiambu Central 
 2Mukuha Timothy 87.139 AAlliance High School  KiambuCentral 
 3Job Ngara 87.116 AMangu High  KiambuCentral 
 4Chege David Kamau 87.104 ASt Joseph Boys Kitale  Trans Nzoia County Rift Valley
 5Ramadhan Musa Tepo 87.103 A Light Academy  NairobiNairobi 
 6Mwendo Cecily Mutheu 87.103 AKenya High  NairobiNairobi 
 7Ian Mwai 87.086 AKakamega High KakamegaWestern 
 8 Pita Shekinah Wise 87.079 AKenya High   NairobiNairobi 
 9Mshindi Daniel Ouma 87.076 A Light Academy  NairobiNairobi 
 10Brenda Cherotich 87.066


Kipsigis Girls  National School KerichoRift Valley 
 11Mugane Job Ngatia 87.064 AStrathmore School  NairobiNairobi 
 12Pretie Ariona Adanga 87.059 AKapsabet Boys National SchoolNandi Rift Valley
 13Adanga Mutethia 87.057 AMangu High School KiambuCentral 
 14Abiyah Melanie Nelima 87.04 AKenya High School NairobiNairobi 
 15Maina Millicent Wamuru   87.04 A Kenya High SchoolNairobi Nairobi 


2021/2022 KCSE Top Underage Candidates

KCSE 2021 Top Female underage candidate: The KCSE 2021 top female/ overall underage student is Brenda Cherotich of Kipsigis Girls High School who attained an A of 87.66 points. Kipsigis Girls is a top-performing national school located in Kericho County, within the Great Rift Valley Region of Kenya.

KCSE 2021 Top Male underage candidate: The KCSE 2021 top male underage student is Brian Ndeto of Starehe Boys Centre who attained an A of 86.7 points.  Other KCSE top-performing underage candidates in 2022 KCSE results for the 2021 class encompass:

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1. Brenda Cherotich – Kipsigis Girls’ High School – 87.66
2. Brian Ndeto – Starehe Boys’ Centre and School – 86.7
3. Muendo Jane Mutheu – St. Therese Mbooni Girls’ High School- 86.6
4. Arnold Felix Oguda Oketch – Kabianga High School – 86.5
5. Mutua Fabian Mutisya – Mang’u High School – 86.4
6. Njuguna Mercy Wanjiku – Pangani Girls’ High School – 85.9
7. Mutuku Gloria Wavinya – Alliance Girls’ High School – 85.8
8. Njuguna Victor Mburu – Murang’a High School – 85.7
9. Nthenya Dotty Sweetie – Kenya High School – 85.6
10. Nalyanya Keith Lesley – Alliance High School – 85.5
10. Gatheca Purity Ngina – Precious Blood School, Riruta – 85.5
11. Kyalo Peter Mumo – St. Charles Lwanga – 84.9
11. Sitati Shammah Wekesa – Nairobi School – 84.9
12. Orangi Mitunda Divon – Friends School Kamusinga – 84.8
13. Otieno Evans Omondi – Mbita High School – 84.7


KCSE 2021/2022 Top Special Needs Candidates

The top KCSE 2021 Male/ Overall special needs candidate is Reuben Osoro Branton of Kapsabet Boys National school who scored an A plain of 83.489 points.

The top KCSE 2021 female special needs candidate is Precious Zawadi Machuka of  Moi Girls High School Eldoret who scored an A- Minus of 79.326 points.

KCSE 2022/2023 Top CandidatesRankTop KCSE

2021 Candidate’s Name

KCSE 2021 Mean School


  1Reuben Osoro BrantonAn of 87.167Kapsabet BoysNandiRift Valley
  2Agot Saulo Olango83.294 AMaranda High SiayaNyanza
 3Otieno Omondi Stanley80.414 A-Maseno School KisumuNyanza
  4Mburugu Ian Mutethia79.326 A-Mangu High School  KiambuCentral
  5Precious Zawadi Machuka 79.326, A-Moi Girls High School Eldoret Uasin GishuRift Valley
  6Gatluak Gai Deng79.204, A-Chesamis Boys High School NakuruRift Valley
 7Kimiru Peter Kamau78.289, A-Nyandarua High School NyandaruaCentral
  8Momanyi Bonface78.284, A-Nyambaria High   NyamiraNyanza
  9Okoth Stanley Otieno77.156, A-)


St. Joseph’s Rapogi Boys High MigoriNyanza
  10John Mutugu Chege 77.069, A-S.A High School for the Blind KiambuCentral
  11Awoi Imoit Bethwel 76.184, A-Maranda High SiayaNyanza
  12Siyad Salah Abdi76.11, A-Bushra High SchoolGarissaNorth Eastern
  13Frank Momanyi75.163, B+Kanga High MigoriNyanza
  14Mang’ang’a Collins Marwa75.099, B+Tarang’any A Boys High MigoriNyanza
  15 Senteu Joshua Mokoi 74.946, B+ Kiambu High School  Kiambu Central


2021 KCSE- April 2022 Results – Best performing sub-county schools:

KCSE 2021/2022 Top sub-county school; The top KCSE 2021 sub-county secondary school is Nyakeore Secondary School located in Nyamira County within the Nyanza Region of Kenya. In the just-released KCSE 2022 results for the 2021 KCSE exams, the school emerged in position one nationally after attaining a mean of 65.25. Other KCSE 2021/2022 Top sub-county schools encompass:

  1. Nyakeore Secondary School, Nyanza, (65.25)
  2.  Kebulonik Secondary School, Rift Valley (57.96)
  3. Banisa Mixed Secondary School, North Eastern (51.39)
  4. Manyatta Mixed Secondary School, Eastern (50.67)
  5. Shibanga Mixed Secondary School, Western (50.52)
  6. Heni Secondary School, Central (46.07)
  7.  Mary Happy Day School, Nairobi (41.40)
  8. AlFarsy Girls Secondary School, Coast (36.22)

KCSE 2021- April 2022 Results – Best performing candidates in sub-county schools

KCSE 2021/2022 Top male/ overall candidate in sub-county school; The top KCSE 2021 candidate in the sub-county secondary school category is Anthony Njuguna Muhoro of Kiamaina Secondary School located in Nakuru North sub-county, Nakuru County within the Great Rift Valley Region of Kenya. In the just-released KCSE 2022 results for the 2021 KCSE exams, Anthony Njuguna Muhoro emerged in position one nationally after attaining a mean of 84.634 A Plain. Other KCSE 2021/2022 Top candidates in sub-county schools encompass:

  1. Anthony Njuguna Muhoro, Kiamaina Secondary School, Rift Valley (84.634)
    2. Owino Eric, Akoko Secondary School, Nyanza (83.71)
    3. Karwitha Clinton Mutwiri, Angaine Mixed Day Secondary School, Eastern (81.449)
    4. Achesa Alukoti Dillan, Matunda S.A Secondary School, Western (81.237)
    5. Ndiangui Frank Wagura, St. James Kiaritha Secondary School, Central (79.439)
    6. Mulei Kelvin, Dandora Secondary School, Nairobi (79.213)
    7. M’Kirima Dennis Mwamburi, St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School, Coast (78.246)
    8. Ronald Kipkoech, Kiplabotwa Secondary School, North Eastern (74.943)

KCSE 2021/2022 Results: 8 Most Improved 2021 KCSE Students Nationally

KCSE 2021 most improved male/ overall candidate; The top KCSE 2021 candidate most improved male/ overall candidate is Mbilo Boniface Wambua of Njukini Mixed Secondary School. In the just-released KCSE 2022 results for the 2021 KCSE exams, Mbilo Boniface emerged in position one nationally after attaining a mean of B Plain up from his KCPE Mean of C- Minus of 241 points out of the total 500 marks. Other KCSE 2021/2022 most improved candidates encompass:

  1. Mbilo Boniface Wambua – Njukini Mixed Secondary School – KCPE 241 marks, KCSE B (plain).
    2. Maina Humphrey Mwangi – Gathiruini Sec School – KCPE 211 marks, KCSE B (plain).
    3. Kituku Simon Mavii – ABC Bambusu Sec School – KCPE 221 marks, KCSE B (plain).
    4. Njoroge Kelvin Mwangi – Jehovah Jireh Sec School – KCPE 207 marks, KCSE B (plain).
    5. Cheptoo Sharon – Lelu Sec School – KCPE 267 marks, KCSE A- (minus).
    6. Shawiza Isaac from -Makuchi Sec School- KCPE 242 marks, KCSE B (plain).
    7. Okoth Cynthia Adhiambo – Sigoti Complex Girls Sec School – KCPE marks 165, KCSE B- (Minus).
    8. Najma Mohamed Hassan-Lanisa Mixed Sec School – KCPE marks 113 , KCSE B (plain)

Registration of the 2022 KCSE Examinations: During the official release of the 2021 KCSE results on April 23, 2022, the CS Education noted that the registration of candidates for the 2022 KCSE examination will commence on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. The current grade six learners should also get ready for their end-of primary education summative tests by KNEC in December 2022. 

Release of the 2022 KCSE Results; The 2022 KCSE Results will be conducted between November and December 2022. The 2022 KCSE results will therefore be released in January 2023. The 2022/2023 KCSE candidates will therefore join the university by April 2023 after the release of the 2022-2023 KUCCPS placement results before March 2023.

Release of the 2021-2022 KUCCPS Placement Results: The 2022 KUCCPS Placement results for the 2021 KCSE candidates will be released in May 2022. Stay tuned for the release of the 2021/2022 KUCCPS placement results then click HERE for verified, instant KUCCPS News.

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