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 Form One Placement /Selection Results 2022; How to Change 2022 Form One Placement or Selection and Download Form One Admission Letters in 2022

 Form One Placement /Selection Results 2022; How to Change 2022 Form One Placement or Selection and Download Form One Admission Letters in 2022

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 Form One Placement /Selection Results 2022; How to Change 2022 Form One Placement or Selection and Download Form One Admission Letters in 2022

 Form One Placement /Selection Results 2022; How to Change 2022 Form One Placement or Selection and Download Form One Admission Letters in 2022
The 2022 form One Selection and Placement exercise will start next week, two weeks following the release of the 2021-2022 KCPE Results.

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Consequently, all KCPE 2021 candidates are waiting anxiously to see which secondary schools they have been selected to join for 2022 form One Admission come May.

I’m this write-up, we take you through a step by step simplified guide on how all 2021 KCPE candidates can check their 2022 form One Placement Results once they are released.

2022 form One Placement System Changes 

The 2021 KCPE candidates are however worried over slight changes to the selection criteria for national schools following CS Magoha’s remarks discrediting the value of KCPE merit in the selection of form ones to national schools this year.

According to CS Magoha, not all KCPE candidates who attained the 400 pass mark will get direct placement/selection to the highly adored national schools.

According to Magoha, KCPE mark is no guarantee for securing the limited slots in national schools this year.

The selection criteria for national schools is rather diverse, taking into account Candidates’ KCPE merit/marks, list of preferred schools-selection, affirmative action and regional.balance.

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This simply means that candidates with special needs and those from disadvantaged regions can still secure a vacancy in KCSE top Ranking national schools in spite of not attaining the 400 pass mark.

Following reports from the ministry of education, each candidate who did the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examination, received their results.

The ministry of education is still working on the placement activity. Once the selection is over, candidates will be required to know the secondary schools they have been placed by sending their index numbers to 22263. Once you have been placed, you will be required to download the admission letters by following this link.


The Ministry of Education will inform Candidates once it is through with the placement activity. Meanwhile, both candidates and their parents or guardians have been urged to remain calm as they await the release of the 2022 placement.

Parents are hoping each candidate will be placed in the secondary school of their dreams as they look forward to further their academics.


In order to apply for change of form one placement, follow the easy steps below;

  • The parent or guardian should place a request at the school of interest; where he/ she wants the kid to be transferred to.  The school will then shortlist and merit all students in the waiting (request) list and make a decision on those they will like to absorb; depending on the available (unfilled) vacancies.
  • The school through the National Education Management System, NEMIS –http://nemis.education.go.ke/, shall enter the details of the selected candidates from their waiting list and request the Ministry to capture them in the new school.
  • Approval to the schools’ requests shall be granted at different levels depending on the Category of the school. Approval for National, Extra County and County schools will be granted by the Ministry’s Head Office, Regional Coordinators and County Directors of Education, respectively.
  • Once the approval has been granted, the learner will then be moved from the selection list of the first school to the latest (new) school.
  • The parent/ guardian will then go online and print the admission letter for the new school.


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