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CBA 2021-2025: New counter offer by TSC rejected, Read the Full Details on the expected TSC Salary Rise, New CBA 2021-2023, and TSC Promotions Below
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The Teachers Service Commission, TSC has been treated to a rude shock following revelations by teachers’ unions about their expectations for the new Collective Bargaining Agreement, CBA 2021-2025 that is likely to overhaul the entire TSC teachers’ salary structure and other working conditions in general.
This follows the unions’ rejection of a new 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) counter offer by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
A meeting convened by the Teachers Service Commission unfortunately failed to bear any fruits, leaving teachers’ payslips barren for an indefinite period of time; meaning that teachers will have to wait a little bit longer for the new salary increments.
Newly Reviewed TSC Maternity and Paternity Leave
Instead of a salary hike for teachers, TSC instead reviewed the maternity and paternity leave days. According to details from the discussions, female teachers will now ‘enjoy’ an enhanced maternity leave of 120 days; up from the current 90 days.
On their part, male teachers will now proceed on a 21 days’ paternity leave; up from the current 14 days.
The Commission has at the same time offered a preadoptive leave for teachers adopting kids plus a promise to fast track promotions of teachers in arid and semi-arid areas.
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TSC Transfer Allowance Raised
Also in the TSC basket of ‘goodies’ for teachers is a transfer allowance for teachers; equivalent to one month’s salary.
But, the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers – KUPPET, and Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) have jointly rejected this offer by TSC; terming it a joke of the century.
Addressing the media after the collapsed talks, Kuppet Secretary General Akello Misori said teachers want nothing short of a salary increment. Misori says teachers will have to down their tools in the new term; if a new CBA would have not been signed by then.
Related news; TSC- A list of all the latest leaves for teachers, requirements and all other details
On her part, TSC Boss Dr Nancy Macharia has urged the tutors to accept the offer saying the economy can not support a salary hike due to the ripple effects of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Already, the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) has freezed salary increment for teachers and other public servants; for a period of two years.
This move has however been rubbished by the court which clearly stated that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission does not have the Constitutional mandate to free pay rise for civil servants.
This means that there is still hope for better Salaries for teachers and other civil servants especially classroom teachers who have been neglected, misused and abused for the past fiver years.
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