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Baringo BTTC- Teacher Training College’s Courses, Location, Intakes, Contacts, Uniform, History, Directions, Transcripts, and Graduation List (PDF format)


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2021/2022 Admissions; Baringo BTTC- Teacher Training College’s Courses, Location, Intakes, Contacts, Uniform, History, Directions, Transcripts, and Graduation List (PDF format)

2021/2022 Admissions; Baringo TTC- Teacher Training College's Courses, Location, Intakes, Contacts, Uniform, History, Directions, Transcripts, and Graduation List (PDF format)

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Baringo Teachers Training College is a registered and approved/vetted teachers’ training college, TTC that is located in the Kabarnet area in Baringo County; within the Rift Valley Region of Kenya. Get to know the college’s list of coursesStudent portal login details, fee structure, contacts, Admissions, intake, physical location, directions, history, graduation criteriasemester Fees, and Uniforms. Also find a beautiful collation of images from the college’s scenery; including structures, signage, students, teachers, and many more.  For all details about other colleges in Kenya, please visit the link below;

Baringo Teachers’ Training College Courses, Contacts, Location, Website

Baringo Teachers’ Training College Courses Offered


Moi Baringo TTC is a public TTC that is located in the Rift Valley Region of Kenya, just 15Km from the Baringo County headquarters – Kabarnet; 5 km off the tarmacked Kabarnet – Kabartonjo road.

It is located in Ewalel Location of Baringo Central Sub County in Baringo County, approximately 5 km off the road link between Kabarnet and Kabartonjo town. The college occupies a 33-acre piece of land which was set aside in 1964 by the leaders of Ewalel Location for public utility.

The physical construction of the college started on 15th August 1988 as a World Bank-funded project, China Jiangsu International Corporation.


Moi Baringo TTC admits students under four levels namely:-

Proficiency (ECDE)

It is a course for teacher trainees of Pre-school Education. The Examination enables candidates to qualify for direct entry to the certificate course. It is a KNEC Exam and it upgrades their previous grades/ qualifications e.g. KCPE or KCSE grade D and below. The course duration is three (3) holiday sessions, April/August & December.

Certificate (ECDE)

It is a 2 yr (6 sessions) course for candidates who possess the following; KCSE D+, or Div. IV or P2 teacher training certificate or KCSE D+ or Proficiency Test (KNEC) etc. Successful candidates will qualify for a diploma course in ECDE. Intake is April/ Aug/ Dec.

Diploma (ECDE)

It is a 2 yr (6 sessions) course for candidates who possess the following; KCSE C (plain) or Certificate in ECDE (KNEC) or P1 teacher training certificate. Successful candidates will qualify for a Degree course in Early Childhood and Primary Education. Intake is April/ Aug/ Dec.

P1 Course (School Based)

The P1 certificate school-based (PTE) course is conducted in April /August/December holidays. The course intake is every August for 1st year’s admission. The minimum requirements are; KCSE C Plain in order to qualify for the two-year PTE course. Candidates’ KNEC Exam is similar to the Full-time P1 course.

School-based applicants submit their handwritten applications to the Principal anytime before the month of August every year. School-based course lasts six holidays, ie, the months of AUGUST, DECEMBER, AND APRIL every year for two years.

P1 Course (Regular)

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The Kenyan government trains Primary school teachers on the basis of the KCSE cut-off grade of C plain.

The annual intake is in the month of September. This is done in all the 25 public Teacher training colleges in Kenya.

The course duration is two years for a well-trained primary school teacher.

Application procedure for p1 course.

Applications for this course are normally done between the months of March and May every year through the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology.

Through the above levels, the Institute is able to offer an opportunity to the less advantaged to gradually climb the career ladder


This is the main procedure through which you can file your application.

  • Applications are made online at the Kenya Universities & Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS)’s website: – www.kuccps.net on specified dates when the site is announced open for applications. However, students who miss these dates may apply directly to the College.

  • Applicants who sat for KCSE in 2011 and previous years and have not benefitted from any Government Sponsorship are also eligible to apply.

If you did not manage to get a placement via KUCCPS, then you still can get one via the TTC. Simply contact the TTC for direct admission. (See contacts below).


TTCs offer training for both Science (Diploma in Education Science) and Arts (Diploma in Education Arts) teachers. The diploma course lasts for 3 academic years. It is a pre-requisite from the Ministry of Education that aspiring secondary school teachers should have the below minimum KCSE qualifications for entry into the DTE (Diploma in Teacher Education) course. Here are the latest general minimum requirements for students seeking to pursue teaching:

  • Mean grade: C+ (plus)
  • English: C (plain)
  • Mathematics: D+ (plus) for those taking education arts and C (plain) for those hoping to undertake training in education science.
  • Two specialization subjects (subjects you intend to teach at high school): C+

Visit this link to get information for all other TTCs, universities, and colleges.


A number of subject combinations are available for prospective students to choose from. You can take any two subjects that match your preference and qualifications. (Remember that you must have scored a minimum of a C+ in each of the 2 subjects at KCSE).

  1. Mathematics/Geography
  2. Mathematics/Business Studies
  3. Geography/Business Studies
  4. Geography/History
  5. Kiswahili/CRE
  6. Kiswahili/History
  7. Kiswahili/Geography
  8. English/CRE
  9. English/History
  10. English/Geography
  11. CRE/History
  12. CRE/Geography
  13. Biology/Agriculture
  14. Biology/Mathematics
  15. Computer Studies/Mathematics
  16. Home Science/English
  17. Home Science/Geography

Fee paid by students at Moi Baringo TTC is manageable. Visit the TTC website for more details.


You can get further information by using any of the below contacts:

  • Postal address: Moi Teachers College
    P.O Box 348-30400


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