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2022-2023 TSC Recruitment Guidelines, Scoresheet and Selection Criteria; Assess your Chances of Bagging the 35, 550 Teaching Vacancies Currently Advertised by Teachers Service Commission-Kenya

2022-2023 TSC Recruitment Guidelines, Scoresheet and Selection Criteria; Assess your Chances of Bagging the 35, 550 Teaching Vacancies Currently Advertised by Teachers Service Commission-Kenya

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2022-2023 TSC Recruitment Guidelines, Scoresheet and Selection Criteria; Assess your Chances of Bagging the 35, 550 Teaching Vacancies Currently Advertised by Teachers Service Commission-Kenya

2022/2023 TSC Recruitment Scoresheet/ Scoring Criteria

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Appearing before the parliamentary education committee on Tuesday, TSC Boss Dr. Macharia Nancy was taken to task by Honourable Julius Melly on how the Teachers Service Commission will ensure that the upcoming December 2022- January 2023 recruitment will be fair.

In response to the query, Dr Macharia reiterated that experienced and qualified teachers especially those who had enrolled for the new Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE will be given priority to teach in junior secondary schools.

Besides this, the Commission has increased the number of slots that an applicant can apply for in the December/ January Recruitment from three to five for both internship and permanent and pensionable.

In the recently concluded July 2022 TSC recruitment, TSC only shortlisted Top 5 applicants per school and subject combination using the following guidelines


  1. Evidence of internship-15 marks
  2. Evidence of Disability-Added Advantage
  3. Academic and Professional Qualifications- 40 marks
  4. Length of Stay since qualifying as a teacher-40 marks
  5. Communication ability- 1 mark
  6. Presentation-1 mark
  7. Knowledge of current trends in education sector- 2 marks
  8. special talents (leadership awards and acknowledgement)- 1 mark
  9. Previous recruitment by the Teachers Service Commission- Disadvantage.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has produced the final and newly updated Score sheet For post primary Teachers Recruitment in 2022. In the recruitment score sheet seen by this author applicants who Served for internship will not be given  uniform marks.

Previously, any teacher who could present evidence of internship qualified for a whopping 30 marks. This gave them headstart over other applicants.

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In unlikely turn of events, only teachers who have served for three years will score 15 marks. 10 marks and 5 marks will be awarded to interns who have served for a period of two years and one year respectively.

2022/2023 TSC Recruitment Scoresheet/ Scoring Criteria

2022/2023 TSC Recruitment Scoresheet/ Scoring Criteria

2022/2023 TSC Recruitment Scoresheet/ Scoring Criteria

Suitably qualified applicants will be required to apply for the vacancies online on or before 16th December, 2022 and wait for shortlisting. After shortlisting exercise, the commission will then invite candidates for interviews by January 2023.

Teachers Service Commission and Boards of Management are required to conduct the selection exercise for the advertised vacancies in their institutions.

The Selection Panel will be expected to exercise the highest degree of transparency and accountability, as stipulated in the Public Officers Ethics Act, and TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics 2015. The Head of Institution is required to induct the panel members on the relevant sections of the Act and CORT 2015 before the commencement of the selection exercise.

The TSC County Director MUST ensure that the recruitment process is done in strict adherence to the laid down protocols by the Ministry of Health on containment of COVID- 19 pandemic.

All applicants must be registered teachers as per Section 23 (1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012. Applicants who are not registered do not qualify to be recruited.

W e wish you the very best as you battle out for the advertised TSC Recruitment vacancies.

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