TSC Senior Master IV Promotion Results 2021; List of Promoted Teachers Per County
TSC Promotions 2021; Gone are the days when classroom teachers filled with disillusionment could neither dream nor look forward to TSC Promotions thanks to the implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement signed between TSC and teachers’ unions.
2021 specifically is a historical period especially for classroom teachers stuck in former Job Group L, C3 who have thirsted for TSC promotions for years on end.
This is simply because their employer for the first time in history announced the highest number of promotion slots for these teachers which saw a total of 6, 680 Teachers promoted to Job Group M, C4 setting the pace for their future career progression to N and P (Deputies and Principals).
Although there are a number of factors that may have played a key role to see TSC declare the highest number of vacancies for senior teachers and masters in 2021, the fact that many school administrators have hit the prime age for retirement plus the susceptible nature of aged teachers who are currently entrusted with running public schools may have set the bait.
TSC Promotion Results for Senior Master IV T-Scale 9: Key Statistics
In the 2020/2021 TSC promotion cycle, a total of 350 teachers were lucky to be listed among those promoted to Senior Master IV.
According to TSC Promotion letters dispatched to the afore-mentioned category of teachers, they will now begin enjoying better salaries with effect from March 2021, their latest appointment date to the higher grade.
TSC Promotions, Latest Selection Criteria for Senior Master IV, C4 T-Scale 9
The latest Circular released by the current TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia, whose term was renewed by President Uhuru Kenyatta for the next five years in 2020, indicates that the Commission took into account particular factors in compiling the final list of promoted senior masters in 2021.
Some of the factors that influenced the 2021 TSC Promotions Results were reviewed to encompass regional balance, gender equity, and affirmative action for Arid and Semi-Arid Areas, ASAL.
The above factors were coupled with the latest TSC Promotions Guidelines for Teachers enshrined in the TSC Act 2012 and Career Progression Guidelines to ensure equitable distribution of TSC Promotions across the regions and counties.
TSC Response to Partiality and Nepotism Claims During the 2021 TSC Promotions
Prior to the official release of the 2021 TSC promotions Results by the Commission, there arose claims pointing fingers at TSC for relegating teachers in Kajiado County.
According to the leaders from Kajiado County who took it upon themselves to address the complaint, TSC has been promoting teachers from a foreign community only leaving behind “native sons and daughters”.
The dethroning of sons and daughters of the soil in Kajiado County when it comes to TSC Promotions is against the TSC Act and Career Progression Guidelines.
The Teachers Service Commission CEO Doctor Nancy Macharia however offered a speedy response to the claims that would have otherwise tarnished the reputation of the Commission that is believed to offer equal opportunities to Kenyan teachers seeking recruitments and greener pastures.
In her response, TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia alluded to the TSC Career Progression Guidelines, CPGs, and the TSC Act 2012 saying
“All vacant positions are advertised and filled competitively. All teachers are given equal opportunities through interview sessions.”
She further adds that the above considerations were applied in addition to the minimum qualifications for teachers in promoting teachers to the next grade.