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TSC releases merit lists of shortlisted candidates per county for the February/March 2021 replacement exercise; successful applicants to replace 1550 teachers who exited service in February

Click on the following links to access the official TSC merit lists for the February replacement vacancies per county


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TSC releases merit lists of shortlisted candidates per county for the February/March 2021 replacement exercise; successful applicants to replace 1550 teachers who exited service in February

February 2021 TSC Replacement Merit lists of shortlisted applicants per County; number of shortlisted candidates per county, important documents, interview dates and venues

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Click on the following links to access the official TSC merit lists for the February replacement vacancies per county

Kisii County  February 2021 TSC Replacement Merit Lists 

Machakos County February 2021 TSC Replacement Merit List

Makueni County February 2021 TSC Replacement Merit List

Kitui County February 2021 TSC Replacement Merit List

Embu County February 2021 TSC Replacement Merit List

As the Commission is setting the pace for a mass recruitment exercise in which 37,000 jobless teachers will be absorbed either on permanent and pensionable or an internship basis, it is crucial to take note of an ongoing TSC recruitment exercise targeting 1550 primary and secondary school teachers.

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Details hitting our newsdesk indicate that the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released merit lists containing details of shortlisted teachers who will fill the 1550 replacement slots per county.

The teachers service commission advertised replacement positions to be filled by new teachers to replace those who have exited the service due to natural attrition.

Close to four hundred and thirty one secondary school teaching positions (431) and over 1, 000 primary teaching vacancies were left vacant nationwide  and teachers were advised to apply.

A week after the application window period lapsed, the teachers service commission has began releasing merit lists to respective counties and schools where teachers had applied.

For instance, Bomet, Makueni, Kisii, & Nakuru counties’ TSC replacement merit list has already been posted online and teachers can now assess their chances  before making the final decision of attending the interviews.

Remember that junior intern applicants were also included in the process and will carry a lumpsome of ten marks, an advantage over those teachers who are currently on board of management terms.

You should also be aware that even if you will pass the interview, you are going to work on probation for at least ten years before being employed on permanent and pensionable terms by the commission.

Check the new TSC working terms and conditions for newly employed teachers by clicking on the following link



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