TSC Presents New Teachers’ Salaries to the SRC ahead of the Next CBA; Classroom Teachers to Get Higher Perks, Full Details Below
The Teachers Service Commission- TSC has presented new salary proposals for teachers to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, SRC ahead of the 2021-2025 CBA set to be implemented as from July 2021.
According to the new proposed salaries, classroom teachers stand to benefit more compared to administrators who already received their better part of the bargain in the current CBA whose last phase was implemented in July 2020.
The proposal which is yet to be approved wants teachers to get a salary rise of between 16-32 per cent depending on the grade or job group.
Teachers in senior administrative posts will get an increment equivalent to 16 per cent of their salary.
This proposed increment will affect administrators in grades C4 to D5.
Classroom teachers in lower cadres (that is in grades B5 to C3) on the other hand will get a pay rise equivalent to 30 per cent of their current basic salary.
Teachers’ Unions Reject TSC’s Offer on New Salaries for the 2021-2025 CBA
Teachers’ unions have however vehemently rejected the offer citing disregard for the principles governing CBA negotiations.
According to KNUT and KUPPET, the Commission did not consult them before presenting the new salary proposals set to affect teachers’ payslips as from July 2021.
This should be the norm for all Collective Bargaining Agreements.
Besides, the unions feel that this increment is a drop in the ocean compared to what they are advocating for.
KNUT Demands on New Teachers’ Salaries for the Next CBA 2021-2025
The Kenya National Union of Teachers wants a basic pay rise ranging between 120-200 per cent.
New Allowances for Teachers
The union also wants commuter and house allowance to be increased by 50 per cent.
Leave allowance should also be reviewed upwards to match the teachers’ basic pay for a month.
Hardship allowance should also be reviewed upwards by 50 per cent of the basic salary.
KNUT also wants the current medical scheme for teachers dubbed Minet to be retained.
KUPPET Demands on New Teachers’ Salaries for the Next CBA 2021-2025
KUPPET on the other hand is advocating for a 30 to 70 per cent pay rise in the teachers’ basic salaries.
New Allowances for Teachers
The union also wants teachers’ salaries to be expanded to accommodate postgraduate and township allowances for teachers living in towns.
KUPPET wants SRC to harmonize house allowance for all teachers hence end the disparity currently being seen between teachers residing in former municipalities, major towns and in other areas-rural areas.
The harmony should be based on the job group as opposed to the region where one is posted.
The union also wants a special school allowance of Kshs 15, 000 per month.
Reader’s facilitation fee for the visually impaired teachers and aid allowance for teachers confined to wheelchairs should also be reviewed upwards by 30 percent.
If this happens, the affected teachers will get Kshs 19, 000 per month up from Kshs 15, 000.
In its new demands, KUPPET the Commission to come up with new grades and a scheme that will cater for postgraduate qualifications.
KUPPET wants the TSC to introduce a new entry grade for teachers with Masters and doctorate qualifications.
The teachers should also get a pay rise equivalent to 20 % (Masters) and 40%( Doctorate) of their basic salary.
TSC Offer on New Allowances for Teachers (2021-2025)
On its part, the Commission can offer a 20 per cent rise in commuter and leave allowances and a 10 per cent rise in house allowance.
The Commission is also willing to retain hardship allowance at current rates.
It has refuted the introduction of new allowances including special school, township and postgraduate.