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TSC Payslips now available online athttps://tpay.tsc.go.ke/tp/v1/pview /2021; register, log in, view, download and print your TSC payslip online
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Official TSC T-PAY portal: The Teachers Service Commission has finally posted teachers’ payslips online.
Teachers can henceforth access and print their payslips from the official online TSC Tpay system at
https://tpay.tsc.go.ke/tp/v1/pview /2021;
TSC payslips Online
TSC P9 form 2020/2021
Why it is important to constantly check your TSC payslip online
The meaning of initials used on your TSC payslip at https://tpay.tsc.go.ke/tp/v1/pview
TSC payslips Online at https://payslip.tsc.go.ke/login.php
Following the migration of TSC services to the digital platform, all TSC payslips are now available online.
Gone are the days when teachers could queue at the head teacher’ s or principal’s office to collect their monthly payslips sent to their respective schools by the Commission.
To view and/or download your TSC payslip online you need to register first.
Unlike in the past when newly employed teachers could register themselves online, any new TSC employee must present himself or herself physically before the TSC human resource officer at the County TSC offices for verification and registration.
Teachers cannot therefore register themselves for payslips.
Note: Remember to request for verifiable written permission from your immediate supervisor, school head.
TSC P9 form 2020/2021
The Teachers Service Commission has also availed P9 forms for filing KRA tax returns annually. To download your TSC P9 form and file your returns, click on the following link https://payslip.tsc.go.ke/login.php
Why it is important to constantly check your TSC payslip online
Knowledge is power. It is therefore important to constantly check your TSC payslips online on a monthly basis to keep abreast with any changes in your salary.
Changes on TSC payslips 2021
Some of the changes that are effected on TSC teachers’ payslips include annual Increment and salary rise based on promotion to higher grades.
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You also need to monitor your payslips for any unauthorized or double deductions.
Barely a month ago, teachers receiving their monthly salary via the Kenya Commercial Bank noted some irregularities in their salaries.
Female teachers were also deducted KEWOTA union dues which they had not signed up for.
You can also monitor the progress of your loan or savings online.
TSC Payslips- terms and Initials used and their meanigs
The meaning of initials and terms used on TSC payslips at https://tpay.tsc.go.ke/tp/v1/pview
PF-Num- the teachers’ TSC number
P&P- this means that the teacher is employed on permanent and pensionable working terms.
RoD- the teacher’s retirement date
Design- the teacher’s designation or title for instance Secondary Teacher II or Senior Master I.
TSC Provident fund- This stands for the 7.5 mandatory deduction effected on every TSC teacher’s payslip monthly to cater for his or her new retirement scheme dubbed PSSS.
SWAS – This stands for union dues collected monthly for benefits enjoyed by teachers courtesy of CBA negotiations.
Paye Auto- This stands for Pay As You Earn tax-30% of a teacher’s basic salary.
NHIF Auto- National Hospital Insurance Fund. This is a mandatory deduction.
SacL- Sacco loan
SacS-Sacco Savings
Mandatory Deductions on TSC Payslips
All TSC employed teachers must remit the following funds every month:
1. Provident fund for their pension.
2. SWAS- union dues
3. NHIF Auto for medical insurance
4. University loan recovery for HELB loan beneficiaries
5. Paye Auto-mandatory tax deduction.
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