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TSC Payrise 2022-2023 to Benefit Six Job Grades/ Groups Only See Why


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TSC Payrise 2022-2023 to Benefit Six Job Grades/ Groups Only See Why

TSC List Of Transferred Teachers and School Administrators Per County and Region 2022/2023

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TSC News Latest Today; The teachers’ sole employer has revealed the salary bands affected by the recently announced 2022 TSC Salary increment for teachers.

According to the data produced by TSC, not all teachers employed by the commission will get a salary hike save for six job grades that are yet to hit the ceiling-maximum salaries.

According to the Commission, teachers in grades C4, C5, D1, D2, D3, and D4 will at the end of this month enjoy better salary perks backdated to July 2020.

Unfortunately, grades B5, C1, C2, C3, and D5 will miss out again on this coming pay rise despite being taken for a ride by being awarded the lowest pay rise salary perks. Get a detailed summary of all TSC grades for both primary and secondary teachers below;

Newly Established TSC Grades (Job Groups) for Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has developed new job grades for teachers under the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG). These grades replace the former job groups that were identified by alphabetical letters A to R.

Each of these grades is attached to a TSC salary scale.

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1C2KSecondary Teacher II
2C3LSecondary Teacher I
3C4NEW GRADEDeputy Headteacher
4C5MSenior Master II
5D1M & NDeputy Principal IV & Senior Master II
6D2N.Deputy Principal III
7D3M & NPrincipals
8D4PSenior Principals
9D5Q & RChief Principals

The new teachers’ job grades

Here is a summary of the newly established TSC teachers’ job grades;

S/NJob group/ gradeTeachers placed in the gradeQualifications/ Entry to the grade
1Grade B5 (T- Scale 5)Established for Primary Teacher IIThis is the entry grade for primary school teachers
2Grade C1 (T- Scale 6)For Secondary Teacher III, Lecturer III, and Primary Teacher IThis is an entry grade for secondary school teachers who are holders of a Diploma in Education.
3Grade C2 (T- Scale 7)For Secondary Teacher II, SNE Teacher II (Primary Schools), Lecturer II, and Senior Teacher IIThis is an entry grade for secondary school teachers who are holders of a Bachelor’s Degree in Education or its equivalent. It is also a promotional grade for holders of a Diploma in Education.
4Grade C3 (T- Scale 8)A grade was established for Secondary Teacher I, Lecturer I, SNE Teacher I (Primary Schools), SNE Teacher II (Secondary Schools), and Senior Teacher IThis is a promotional grade for teachers in secondary school.
5Grade C4 (T- Scale 9)Established for Senior Master IV, Senior Lecturer IV, SNE Senior Teacher (Primary Schools), SNE Teacher I (Secondary Schools), and Deputy Head Teacher IIThis is a promotional grade for institutional administrators in secondary schools.
6Grade C5 (T- Scale 10)For Deputy Principal IV, Senior Master III, Senior Lecturer III, Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, and Curriculum Support Officer II.This is a promotional grade for institutional administrators in secondary schools.
7Grade D1 (T- Scale 11)Made up of Senior Master II, Deputy principal III, Senior Head Teacher, Senior Lecturer II, and Curriculum Support Officer IThis is a promotional and an entry grade for Deputy Principals in secondary schools. To get appointed to this promotional grade, one must have served as Senior Master III T-Scale 10 for a minimum period of three (3) years; among other requirements.
8Grade D2 (T- Scale 12)Deputy Principal II and Senior Master IThis is a promotional position for Deputy Principals in secondary schools. One must have served as Deputy Principal III or Senior Master II T-Scale 11 for a minimum period of three (3) years; to get promoted. This is additional to other requirements as outlined by the Commission.
9Grade D3 (T- Scale 13)Principals and Deputy Principal IThis is a promotional grade for Deputy Principals in secondary schools. Among others, the two basic requirements for appointment to this grade are: a teacher must have served as Deputy Principal II or Senior Master I T-Scale 12 for a minimum period of three (3) years and be a holder of a Master’s degree in a relevant area.
10Grade D4 (T- Scale 14)A job group for Senior principalsThis is a promotional grade for administrators in secondary schools. Promotion to this grade will be competitive and subject to the availability of vacancies in the establishment. To get an appointment to this grade, a teacher must have served as Principal/Deputy Principal I T-Scale 13 for a minimum period of three (3) years and also be a holder of a Master’s Degree in a relevant area; on top of other conditions as set by the Commission.
11 Grade D5 (T- Scale 15)This is the job group for all Chief Principals.This is the highest grade that can be attained by a secondary school teacher. This is a promotional grade for administrators in secondary schools. Promotion to this grade will be competitive and subject to the availability of vacancies in the establishment. To qualify for appointment to this grade, a teacher must have served as Senior Principal T-Scale 14 for a minimum period of three (3) years and be a holder of a Master’s Degree in a relevant area.

Get a simplified explanation of these grades below;

Primary School Teachers’ Job Grades

S/NO.CategoryDesignation TitleGradeT-Scale
1Primary TeacherPrimary Teacher IIB55
2Primary TeacherPrimary Teacher IC16
3Senior TeacherSenior Teacher IIC27
4Senior TeacherSenior Teacher IC38
5Deputy Head TeacherDeputy Head Teacher IIC49
6Deputy Head TeacherDeputy Head Teacher IC510
7Head TeacherHead TeacherC510
8Head TeacherSenior Head TeacherD111


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    Kindly take me to C1, av already completed 3yrs after the 1st posting

    1. News Pro Team says

      Hello Anne, you need to fill a TSC promotion form which should be completed by your immediate supervisor that is the principal. The principal will appraise you confidentially then he or she can give you the form so thatyou can post it via G4s. Th e Commission will automatically promote you. Kindly ensure that you fill that form ASAP.

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