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TSC New Salaries 2021-2022: Commission  Invites Teachers’ Unions For 2021-2025 CBA Talks


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TSC New Salaries 2021-2022: Commission  Invites Teachers’ Unions For 2021-2025 CBA Talks

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TSC Invites Teachers’ Unions For 2021-2025 CBA Talks

Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has invited teachers’ unions for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement talks that will take place tomorrow at Safari Park.

According to the letter sent to Mr Akello Misori, Secretary General of KUPPET , TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia indicated that the meeting will kick off at 10.00am.

“The Commission has the pleasure to invite the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) to a meeting to be held on Tuesday, 29th June, 2021 at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi. The meeting will commence at 10.00am, stated TSC ceo Dr. Macharia.

The Commission has proposed the following Agenda; preliminaries, declaration of conflict of interest, tabling of the commission‘s offer, and Negotiating the 2021–2025 CBA.

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It is important to note that Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani failed to factor in teachers’ salary increment in the 2021/2022 Budget.

Out of over Sh588 billion allocated to the Ministry of Education in the 2021/2022 financial year budget, no funds were allocated to finance the 2021-2026 CBA. The current one is set to expire on June 30

The planned meeting comes barely few days after the Wilson Sossion tendered his resignation as Secretary General of KNUT.

The vocal secretary-general of one of Kenya’s oldest and biggest trade union, has finally bowed out citing frustrations from the government.

Mr. Sossion took over leadership of KNUT eight years ago when the membership of the union was 200,000 and left when the membership was 15,000 scattered in 110 branches. This means, on average, every branch has 136 teachers.


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