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TSC: New Interview Schedule and Dates for Diploma Teachers Seeking 1000 Promotions in May 2021: TSC Reviews Promotions Interview Dates for Shortlisted Diploma Teachers in May 2021, New Dates and Schedule Below

Tsc promotions for diploma teachers 2021 by newspro.co.ke

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TSC: New Interview Schedule and Dates for Diploma Teachers Seeking 1000 Promotions in May 2021: TSC Reviews Promotions Interview Dates for Shortlisted Diploma Teachers in May 2021, New Dates and Schedule Below

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TSC Promotions 2021: Diploma Teachers posted in various Secondary schools in Kenya who are currently seeking the recently advertised 1000 TSC  promotioms to Grade C2 former Job Group K can now comfortably envision their dawn following the recently released  TSC Circular.

TSC Circular on Postponed TSC Promotions (Deployment) Interviews for Diploma Teachers with Degrees in 2021

The Circular is a welcome relief for Diploma Teachers posted in Secondary schools who have been thirsting for a gate pass to better salaries- the 2021 TSC Promotions.

Majority of these teachers are almost becoming disillusioned following the long overdue stagnation with their employer staggering their Promotions based on the TSC budgetary allocation yearly.

The TSC Circular on the 2021 Deployment of Diploma Teachers is addressed to regional heads and signed by TSC Director of Staffing Rita Wahome.

According to the circular, all regional directors, who were given the mandate to conduct TSC Promotions after the Commission decentralized the function in March 2020, are expected to come up with a schedule for TSC Promotions Interviews for Diploma Teachers with higher qualifications (degrees) set to be conducted next week.

Official Interview Dates for TSC Promotions Interviews for Diploma Teachers 2021

According to the released circular, shortlisted applicants are expected to present themselves on the venues provided for interviews next week as from May 24 to May 28.

“The interviews will be conducted from May 24 to May 28” read the Circular in Part.

TSC List of Shortlisted Diploma Teachers for May 2021 Promotions  

A total of 3,800 diploma secondary school teachers have been shortlisted to compete for the 1,000 TSC Promotions advertised this year.

The Teachers Service Commission has already dispatched the official lists of qualified candidates who will soon fill the available slots.

New Grades for Diploma Teachers Promoted by the Teachers Service Commission in May 2021

According to a statement given by the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers, Kuppet Secretary General Akelo Misori, diploma teachers enter the teaching service in grade C1 T-Scale 6 former J unlike their counter-parts, degree holders who enjoy better salaries since they join the service in Grade C2 T-Scale 7 previously referred to as Job Group K.

This leaves diploma teachers greatly disadvantaged since they are subjected to mandatory Promotion Interviews even after acquiring higher qualifications, degrees which are again  subject to availability of funds.

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Following the signing of the 2017-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement, CBA between TSC and teachers’ unions, the Commission started moving them advertising 1,000 vacancies every fiscal year.

Their Promotion just like that of degree holders are pegged on the Career Progression Guidelines, CPGs as opposed to the former Schemes of Service fronted by the Kenya National Union of Teachers, KNUT.

The previous CBAs relied on the Schemes of Service which left these diploma teachers on the highway leading to stagnation in one job group for up to six years.

” The schemes of service subjected them  to work in their entry grade, C1 for three years before getting promoted but the current career progression guidelines are flexible offering them  an interview paving way for upscaling,” said Misori.

According to TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia, the CPGs take into account performance and dedication in the teaching service.

Postponed TSC Promotions Interviews for Diploma Teachers 2021

The interviews we’re to be conducted in July 2020  but they were put off following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic that paralyzed the Education sector for close to 9 months.

The teachers have demonstrated the patience of a cobra since the interviews were called off again last month to allow the administration and marking of the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE national exams.

List of Mandatory Documents for TSC Promotions Interviews

The teachers presenting themselves for TSC Promotions Interviews should have Certificates of Registration, Good Conduct, KRA Compliance, HELB Clearance, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Clearance and Credit Reference Bureau CRB Clearance alongside Academic and Professional documents.

List of TSC Promoted Teachers in 2021

A week ago the Teachers Service Commission through a circular released the 2020/2021 TSC Promotions Interview Results.

A total of 16, 152 teachers were lucky to be promoted.

To view the full lists of TSC Promoted Teachers in 2021 Per County and Region, Click on the link Below and Visit the TSC Portal
TSC Portal; List of Promoted Teachers in 2021

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