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TSC Internship Recruitment Advertisement 2021/2022

TSC Internship Recruitment Merit Lists December 2021

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TSC Internship Recruitment Advertisement 2021/2022; Reprieve for Unemployed Teachers as TSC Declares 6000 Vacant Posts to be filled this December; Latest TSC Internship Vacancies, Merit Lists and Reporting Dates 

TSC Internship Recruitment Advertisement 2021/2022; Reprieve for Unemployed Teachers as TSC Declares 6000 Vacant Posts to be filled this December; Latest TSC Internship Vacancies, Merit Lists and Reporting Dates 

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Latest TSC Internship Recruitment News; Access the latest, verified TSC Internship Recruitment News Today at newspro.co.ke.


Click Here for Instant Details


 More Reading on TSC Internship Vacancies, Guidelines, Merit Lists 2021-2022 

Final TSC internship recruitment merit sheet and guidelines 2021-2022,

TSC releases new guidelines for recruitment of freshly graduated teacher interns applicable november-2021-2022,

TSC internship updates today on vacancies, requirements, application dates and deadlines,

Confirmed tsc internship recruitment dates venues, merit lists, roadmap and reporting dates 2021-2022 confirmed dates and deadlines for 6000 internship vacancies recruitment 2021-2022

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC has dealt good news for qualified TSC registered teachers eyeing the 6,000 vacancies declared this Year.

This follows the allocation of sufficient funds for the recruitment of at least 6, 000 teacher interns to ease the ballooning work load especially in secondary school ushered in by the roll out of the 100 per cent transition policy.

Upcoming TSC Internship Recruitment is scheduled to take place in December 2021.

Successfully employed teacher interns are expected to report to their new stations of work early January 2022.

TSC Budgetary Allocation for Internship Recruitment 2021/2022

Having received the lion’s share of the 2021-2022 budgetary allocation amounting to 281.7 million, the Commission plans to complete the chain of activities slated for the 2021/2022 financial year.

TSC Internship Advert 2021

The Commission is now set to advertise a total of 6000 vacancies for teachers. Stay Tuned for the Official Advertisement of TSC Internship Vacancies (6000) sloted for December 2021- January 2022.

Click Here to Visit the TSC Portal for more timely updates on looming TSC Internship Recruitment/Employment for the 2021/2022 Cycle.

Recently, the Commission announced 21 internship slots for five professional areas that encompass information and communication technology, ICT, records management, human resource management and development, finance and accounting and legal.

The internship duration lasts 12 months with the Commission promising a monthly stipend of twenty five thousand the positions being purely non-remunerative.

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TSC Internship Salary Breakdown and Payslips Online

Since the 6000 TSC Internship opportunities are also purely non-remunerative, intern teachers should look forward to a maximum of Kshs 20,000 per month for those posted to secondary schools and Kshs 15,000 per month for those in primary schools.

To access TSC Internship Payslips;

Intern teachers can thereafter access their payslips online via the TSC T-pay Portal and download them for future reference.

To download  your TSC Internship Payslip, Click Here.


Conditions for Download of TSC Payslips Online

Not everyone can access the T-pay Portal and download their payslip.

This is a rigorous process that requires the input of the intern teachers’ immediate supervisor and other senior TSC officials such as the sub county director and the TSC human resource officer stationed at the TSC county office in every county.

The human resource officer must first receive an endorsed form counter sign it before adding an intern teacher to the TSC T-pay Portal.

The good news however is that the Commission has migrated all the services and centralized them online at the Teachers’ online portal.

Click Here to monitor the progress of your internship salary’s remission.



TSC Internship Recruitment Official Reporting Dates for December 2021 Cycle

Since most TSC Internship Recruitment procedures are done online save for interviews that require face to face interaction between the Selection panel and the interviewees, intern teachers report to their new work stations barely two months following successful posting.

Intern teachers are therefore expected to report within one month after successful recruitment. It is therefore projected that if things work out, intern teachers shall report to work within January 2022.



Current TSC Internship Recruitment Vacancies December 2021

There are 6000 TSC Internship teaching positions currently declared vacant by the Commission in November to be filled this December 2021.


TSC Internship Recruitment Dates and Venues December 2021

The impending TSC recruitment exercise has been slated to take place within the last two weeks of the month of December 2021.

TSC Internship Recruitment Merit Lists December 2021

To access TSC Internship Merit Lists for the 6000 TSC Internship Recruitment Vacancies to be filled this year, Click and Follow this Link

TSC Internship Merit Lists per County December 2021/2022

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