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TSC: Education Ministry to Bear TPD Cost; Good News For all TSC Employed Teachers Today as MoE Plans Budgetary Review 2022-2023 to Pay the Kshs 6,000 for their TPD Modules

TSC: Education Ministry to Bear TPD Cost; Good News For all TSC Employed Teachers Today as MoE Plans Budgetary Review 2022-2023 to Pay the Kshs 6,000 for their TPD Modules

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TSC: Education Ministry to Bear TPD Cost; Good News For all TSC Employed Teachers Today as MoE Plans Budgetary Review 2022-2023 to Pay the Kshs 6,000 for their TPD Modules

TSC: Education Ministry to Bear TPD Cost; Good News For all TSC Employed Teachers Today as MoE Plans Budgetary Review 2022-2023 to Pay the Kshs 6,000 for their TPD Modules

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TSC News Today; TSC Breaking News Today indicate that the Kshs 6, 000 for teacher Professional Development, TPD refresher modules will be paid by the Ministry of Education News if the funds will be included in the next Budgetary Allocation for the Ministry as suggested by Florence Mutual, Chair of the National Assembly’s  Education Committee.

Ministry of Education to Pay for TPD

Teachers in Kenya are a happy lot following a ptoposed budget review which if adopted will see to it that the TPD training cost is met by the government through the ministry of education.

Appearing before the national assembly’s education committee last week, TSC Boss Dr Nancy Macharia was taken to task over the manner in which the Kshs 6,000 TPD training fee was arrived at.

Ms Mutual stated crystal clearly that the burden will soon be lifted from teachers.

Her sentiments are based on the deliberations and decisions arrived at by the committee.

“As a committee, we agreed that we will factor Teacher Professional Development, TPD in the Ministry’s budget and the process is ongoing,” Mutual remarked.

If approved, teachers will no longer be obliged to bear the blunt of training owing to the hard economic times that have hit almost every household in Kenya.

TSC List of Teachers who Signed up for TPD Training in December

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC had hoped to train 5,000 teachers but 20,000 more signed up for the December training.

An ongoing assessment of schools by county and sub-county directors of education shows that more than 20, 000 teachers  have so far commenced the TPD training.

The aforementioned officers are currently collecting details of teachers who have enrolled for TPD training.

TSC finance manager Cheptumo Ayabei also confirmed that the Commission had factored TPD cost when submitting the 2022-2023 TSC Budgetary estimates.

“This is something we thought should be met just like other provisions for teachers,” he said.


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To register, pay registration fee of Ksh. 1,000 (which is part of the Ksh. 6,000 fees) through:

Pay bill No.971900, Account: TPD1-County Code-Your TSC No. (E.g. for a participant in Nairobi it shall be: TPD1-047-your TSC No) Below are the County Codes.



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