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DPTE intake 2021

Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE Intake 2021/2022; Second Intake for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE and Early…

Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE Intake 2021/2022; Second Intake for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE and Early Childhood Teacher Education, ECDE Postponed Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE is a relatively new course for school leavers wishing to fill available teaching vacancies in primary schools usually advertised by the Teachers Service Commission, TSC. DPTE teacher graduates will oversee the effective implementation of the new competence-based curriculum, CBC that has already been rolled…

Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE courses, selection criteria (Minimum Requirements), Available Intakes, Application Deadline and…

Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE courses, selection criteria(Minimum Requirements), Available Intakes, Application Deadline and Reporting Dates 2021 DPTE intake 2021: Applications for the New Diploma courses introduced by the Ministry of Education in preparation for the full roll-out of the Competency Based Curriculum,CBC were expected to end before 20th April according to the directives issued by the ministry of education. The newly appointed Basic Education Permanent Secretary Dr.Julius Jwan however extended…