Sironga Girls High School; Since its inception decades ago, Sironga Girls High School, has proved to be a hallmark of academic excellence in KCSE results ranking.
Located in Sironga, near Konate Centre-along the Nyamira-Kisii Road, Nyamira South Sub-County in Nyamira County, within the Nyanza Region of Kenya, Sironga Girls High School is a national KCSE top-performing boarding school.
Sironga Girls High School; The school’s current contact is +254 751 280 403.
Official KCSE Results for Sironga Girls High School
The current school’s mean score stands at 8.76 B plain(KCSE 2021- April 2022 Results) a positive deviation from 8.209(KCSE 2020-May 2021 Results). The school is ranked among the KCSE top-performing schools nationally.
It was ranked position 44 nationally. The KCSE 2021 grade distribution for Sironga Girls High School is as follows: A(3), A-(30), B+(74), B(164), B-(99), C+(81), C(6), C-(1), D+ (1), D(1), E(0) X(0), Y(0). Check out the 2022/2023 KCSE Results for Sironga Girls National School at the KNEC
Sironga Girls’ fee structure
School Name | School Category | Current Fees per Annum/ Year | Initial Fees per Year/ Annum | Amount of Reduced Fees | School Tier |
Sironga Girls High School | National Schools in other towns/ areas | KShs 35,000 per year | KShs 40,535 per year | KShs 5,535 per year | Second Tier |
Sironga Girls High School Category and Student Enrolment
Sironga Girls is categorized as a national-level boarding girls’ secondary school. The school currently offers both the nearly extinct 8-4-4 system and the newly rolled out Competency-Based Curriculum(CBC). The school’s declared student enrolment/ learner capacity is approximately 1,500 students.
Sironga Girls High School’s Vision,
Sironga Girls High School’s Mission,
Sironga Girls High School’s Motto,
Sironga Girls High School’s Form One Selection Criteria & Admissions
The admission/ selection criteria currently border on both the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment, KPSEA, and the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE national exams.
Sironga Girls High School’s Location
The School is located in Ting’a center, along the Konate-Kisii Highway within Nyamira County.
Sironga Girls High School’s Details Summary
Sironga Girls High School Details | Sironga Girls High School Details | |
1 | Name of School | Sironga Girls High School |
2 | Type of School | Boarding girls |
3 | School Category (Status) | A national School |
4 | Number of Students Enrolled (MoE Declared Student Capacity) | Approximately 1,500 learners |
5 | School KNEC Code | 43700012 |
6 | Name of School Principal | Mrs. Eva Akeyo Odhiambo |
7 | School e-mail | |
8 | Sub-County | Nyamira South Sub-County |
9 | County | Nyamira County |
10 | Region | Nyanza Region |
11 | Country | Kenya |
12 | School’s Ownership Status | Public/ Government- Owned |
Sironga Girls’ Fees Structure
Being a government-owned school, the school fee is paid by the Government through the Free Secondary Education FSE funds that are usually remitted to the school’s account number. Parents and guardians are however expected to pay some fee for their learners’ upkeep amounting to Kshs 35,000 per year. Check the newly revised Fee Structure below;
Category of School | Current Fees per Year | Initial Fees per Year | Amount of Fees Reduced | School Tier | |
1 | National Schools within Municipalities (Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Eldoret, Thika and Nyeri) | KShs 45,000 per year | KShs 53,000 per year | KShs 8,554 | First Tier |
3 | National Schools in other towns/areas | KShs 35,000 per year | KShs 40,535 per year | KShs 5,535 per year | First Tier |
3 | Extra County Schools within Municipalities (Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Eldoret, Thika and Nyeri) | KShs 45, 000 per year | KShs 53,000 per year | KShs 8,554 per year | Second Tier |
4 | Extra County Schools in other towns/ areas | KShs 35,000 per year | KShs 40,535 per year | KShs 5,535 per year | Second Tier |
5 | Special Needs Schools | KShs 10,860 per year | KShs 12,790 per year | KShs 1,930 per year |
According to the new fee structure, Learners in national and extra-county schools in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Eldoret, Thika, and Nyeri will pay Ksh 45,000 per year; down from the Sh53,554 that they have been paying annually. This represents a reduction of Sh8,554.
On their part, learners in all other boarding schools including extra county schools that are located in other areas other than the town of Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Kisumu, Nyeri, Thika, and Eldoret will now pay Sh35,000. These learners have been paying Sh40,535 per year. Consequently, their fee has been slashed by Sh5,535.
Students in special needs schools will pay ksh10,860 annually, down from the Sh12,790; that they have been formerly paying.
Sironga Girls High School’s Verified KCSE Results online, KNEC portal, and Code
In the recently released KCSE Results, Sironga Girls High school was ranked among the top-performing secondary schools in Nyamira County. The school was featured in the list of Top-performing schools in the County.
You can access the school’s verified KNEC results online via the official KNEC portal using this link:
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Admissions: form one selection, application, enrolment rate, criteria, and requirements
The school admits at least 150 students per year. This cohort is usually selected by the Ministry of Education to ensure fairness and equal opportunity for all students in Kenya. The selection of students to the school is evenly distributed across all the 47 counties in Kenya.
The main selection criterion when it comes to Form one selection and placement is the students’ previous performance in KCPE results or KPSEA results.
Interested applicants should however tender their interest when selecting their preferred secondary schools at the primary level long before the KCPE results or KPSEA results get released.
Worth noting is the fact that picking the school as your first choice is not a direct ticket to the institution. Any student who wishes to join the school must attain the pass mark set by the Ministry of Education.
Sironga Girls High School Form one admission: form one selection: criteria, list, and letters
Unlike in the past when some parents and school heads could influence the form one selection list, this year’s selection is done by the MOE and it is purely based on the student’s KPSEA or KCPE marks.
Click HERE to access form one school selection system for extra county schools.
Have you been selected to join this school? Congratulations on making it this far. For a full list of all students who have been selected to join the institution at form one level, you can visit the school’s portal online or the institution.
To access your form one school placement letter, click HERE.
Admission Requirements
Upon admission, you are expected to carry the following:
- Admission letter
- Primary school Leaving certificate or a letter of identification from the student’s former school
- A copy of your birth certificate
- Two recent passport-size photographs (NOT PHOTOSHOPPED) duly signed and stamped at the back by either your former school head or clergyman.
On the official reporting date, parents are advised to strictly adhere to the stipulated timelines for admission.
Notable Alumni-Old Girls
The school has a wide alumni network with over 10,000 old girls. To view some of the school’s alumni, click on this link to access the Sironga Girls High School Alumni official Facebook Page
Here are links to the most important education and TSC portals
Latest KCSE Revision Materials
Sironga Girls High School’s Fee structure, Account number, and Branch
Upon admission, students are expected to pay school fees as per the stipulated timeline. The fees should be deposited in the school’s account number provided in the student’s admission letter.
When depositing fees, the student should indicate the name, form, and admission number correctly to avoid confusion.
Other charges include school ID-Kshs 200.
Please Note:
The above fee is exclusive of school uniforms and other personal effects.
The commission shall be levied on crossed money orders or upcountry cheques.
Sponsored students should produce a letter of commitment from their sponsors.
Personal cheques shall not be accepted.
Payment in cash will not be accepted.
The fee structure for the whole year is usually attached to the student’s admission letter.
Sironga Girls High School’s Uniform
Students can buy school uniforms during the official reporting date in school or from any other uniform centers and outlets that stock them. The official school uniform resembles the one featured in the image below
Sironga Girls High School’s Pay bill
It will be updated soon.
Sironga Girls High School’s Curriculum and subjects offered
The school offers both the newly introduced Competency-Based Curriculum, CBC, and the nearly phased out 8-4-4 curriculum to accommodate the wide range of learners’ needs.
The subjects offered include Maths, English, Kiswahili, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography, CRE, Agriculture, Business Studies, and Physical Education among others.
Sironga Girls High School’s School Anthem
It will be updated soon.