Sigh of Relief for KCPE Candidates 2021/2022 as Ministry Reveals Their 2022 Form One Reporting Dates
2022 Form Ones To Join Form One in Secondary Schools on this Date
According to CS Magoha, all KCPE 2021 candidates will join secondary schools starting May 2022 but the KCPE mark will not guarantee placement to KCPE candidates’ school of choice in 2022.
KCPE Results 2021 Not a Guarantee for Admission to National Schools in 2022 Form One Selection. See Why
CS Magoha recently rendered rather disturbing news to the 2021/2022 KCPE candidates after revealing the new 2022 form one selection criteria.
According to CS Magoha, a few changes have been made to the 2022 form one placement/ selection criteria to ensure regional balance and accomodate affirmative action.
This therefore means that top KCPE candidates are not guaranteed of admission to national schools in 2022 form one placement.
“Marks In KCPE Will Not Guarantee You A Place In A National School- CS Magoha”
The government, through the Ministry of Education, has said that not all top KCPE exam students will be placed in secondary schools of their choice.
In a statement,CS Magoha said that “we have to ensure that affirmative action is taken into account to ensure fair geographical distribution of limited vacancies in national schools in this country.”
This year, the 2021 KCPE exam was taken by 1,214,031 students in which 11,857 students scored 400 and above.
A total of 315,275 students scored from 300 to 399, while a total of 578,197 students scored from 200 to 299.
There are 126 national schools in the country which had a maximum capacity 33,009 slots in 2021 selection.
In addition, county schools had 184,816 available slots, as county schools had 188,454 available slots, and sub-county schools had 669,145 available slots.
In addition, 777 slots are available in special needs education schools.
The CS has however assured that all learners who sat the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam this year will be admitted into secondary schools in line with the government’s 100 percent transition policy.
Prof Magoha also instructed those involved in the process to ensure it is free, fair and transparent.
He warned those likely to skew the selection saying he will personally take charge of the exercise to ensure all candidates including those from far-flung areas get placement slots.
The CS was speaking in Mombasa yesterday where he attended the 24th Surgical Society of Kenya conference.
“We shall ensure that all Kenyan children are given equal, fair and just treatment including those in the slums, far-flung arid and semi-arid areas. We shall always ensure affirmative action which takes into account the geographical distribution of this country,” said the CS.
However, Prof Magoha said many candidates joining form one will want to join national schools yet such institutions might have only 500 slots each against the close to 12,000 pupils who scored over 400 (KCPE).
He, however, pointed out that some will blame themselves for poor selection after they only selected national schools without including the extra-county and county secondary schools
“You don’t have to go to the top 10 national schools to get anything. Every child is safe in Magoha’s hand but Kenya is a rainbow country and we want to ensure a child from Marsabit gets a slot in Kenya High,” added the CS.
Prof Magoha also refuted claims that private schools performing better than public schools was due to leakage.
In the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education(KCPE) results released on Monday, the top 10 candidate’s majority were from private schools.