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Official TSC list of teachers on TSC payroll but missing on TMIS portal


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TSC official list of teachers on payroll but missing on TMIS

The Teachers Service noCommission, TSC has released a list of teachers who have been successfully placed on its payroll but their details are yet to be submitted to the Teacher Management Information System, TMIS portal.

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TMIS is a platform created by TSC to consolidate teachers’ details for effective communication.

Through TMIS, the commission can pass across important messages including important announcements, dates and deadlines via the bulk SMS service.

TSCy releases list of teachers with missing TMIS details

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Failure by some school heads to update teachers’ details on TMIS has resulted in communication breakdown many a time.

Therefore, the commission would like to have school administrators to take responsibility and ensure they update data on the following teachers on the TMIS portal very soon.

Besides, the affected teachers should notify their respective heads for further action.

Official TSC list of teachers on TSC payroll without TMIS records

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