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(Nyamira County)TSC Mass Recruitment Merit List 2021 per County-Nyamira County July 2021 Recruitment Venues, Dates, and Time

(Nyamira County)TSC Mass Recruitment Merit List 2021 per County-Nyamira County July 2021 Recruitment Venues, Dates, and Time

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(Nyamira County)TSC Mass Recruitment Merit List 2021 per County-Nyamira County July 2021 Recruitment Venues, Dates, and Time

Here are the recruitment schedule in Nyamira County

1.Nyamira SouthNyamira Boys22/7/20218.30A.M
2.Nyamira NorthIkonge Girls23/7/20218.30A.M
3.Borabu/Masaba NorthMenyenya24/7/20218.30A.M
5.Primary RecruitmentSub counties28/7/20218.30A.M


These dates are in line with the new TSC July recruitment schedule that was released by the commission.


Click on the following links to access TSC Recruitment merit Lists July 2021 for other counties

Newly Updated TSC Mass Recruitment Merit Lists per County and Region July 2021

















Keep refreshing this page every 30 minutes for timely updates bordering on TSC Recruitment Merit Lists 2021 for all Counties 

Magarini TSC Recruitment Merit List of Successful Applicants July 2021

Kairi TSC Recruitment Merit List of Successful Applicants July 2021

Marakwet East TSC Recruitment Merit List July 2021 Shortlisted Applicants

TSC Recruitment July 2021


To Download Verified TSC Recruitment Merit Lists for other Counties, Check the Links Below

TSC Mass Recruitment Merit Lists of Shortlisted candidates per county July 2021; Follow this page to access TSC Recruitment Merit Lists for all Counties

Click on the following link to access the full list of shortlisted  TSC Teachers for the July 2021 Mass Recruitment/Replacement and assess your chances of excelling in the upcoming July TSC Recruitment Interviews.

Freshly Updated TSC Recruitment Merit Lists of Shortlisted Teachers per County- July 2021


Nakuru County TSC Mass Recruitment Merit List 2021



TSC Recruitment Merit lists per County-Nairobi County TSC Mass Recruitment List of Shortlisted Candidates July 2021

Nakuru County TSC Recruitment July 2021










TSC Mass Recruitment/ Replacement Merit List of Successful Teachers July 2021 per County- Machakos County, Eastern Region


Kakamega County TSC Mass Recruitment/Replacement Merit List July 2021


Kitui County TSC Recruitment/ Replacement Merit List July 2021


KIGUMO Sub County TSC Mass Recruitment/Replacement Merit List July 2021


SOY Secondary TSC Mass Recruitment List of Successful Teachers JULY 2021



The Teachers Service Commission, TSC has released complete lists of shortlisted applicants for the planned July TSC Teachers’ Mass Recruitment exercise.

This follows the successful application of the listed applicants for the 5, 000 teaching vacancies in both primary and secondary schools across the counties online.

According to the latest TSC Recruitment Guidelines, the available vacancies will be filled through a competitive selection process containing a raft of measures aimed at ensuring transparency and objectivity.

The Commission further noted that teachers who will be recruited this July will serve in various government institutions on Permanent and Pensionable terms of service.

For primary schools, vacancies will be filled using the 2020/2021 Merit Lists generated in September 2020. Successful candidates will be informed by the County Directors of the counties where they were merited.

TSC Merit Lists of Shortlisted candidates per county


Newspro has provided a full guide to available TSC Mass Recruitment merit lists for July 2021.

Click on every link to Download All TSC Recruitment Merit lists 2021 per County

KIGUMO Sub County TSC Mass Recruitment/Replacement Merit List July 2021


TSC Mass Recruitment/ Replacement Merit List of Successful Teachers July 2021 per County- Machakos County, Eastern Region

TSC Recruitment Merit list per County-Nairobi

For secondary schools teachers, interviews will take place in each sub-county and they will be conducted in four days.

Teachers who will feel that the recruitment process was unfair will register their complaints from Thursday 29th July to Friday 6th August 2021. Complaints will be vetted and handled at county levels.

Receiving of documents at the TSC headquarters will take place from Monday 9th August to Thursday 12th August 2021. This will take place for four days.

Verification of documents at the TSC headquarters will take place for eight days between Friday 13th and Friday 27th August 2021.

Successfully employed teachers will report to their respective stations on Wednesday 1 September 2021.

County directors will be required to submit reporting status by 30th September 2021.

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