KNEC Seeks New KCSE 2024-2025 Examiners
Knec Advertises for KCSE 2024 Examiners
The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, is seeking a new breed of examiners who will execute their duties diligently and deliver credible KCSE 2024 results in 33 different subject areas. Knec remits some incentives to encourage TSC-registered teachers to take up various roles such as chief examiners and team leaders. On the flipside, it should go on record that the KCSE marking national exercise can be a heart-wrenching and harrowing experience especially for expectant female teachers or teachers with chronic illnesses. Those with high blood pressure are advised to shun this exercise since it calls for extreme physical, mental and psychological well being besides being fit as a fiddle.
The Kenya National Examinations Council invites Examiners for 2024 marking exercise online.
According to the guidelines from KNEC the cp2 portal site shall be accessible as follows:
KCSE Examiners – from December 2024.
Examiners concerned are required to do the following:-
access KNEC Contracted Professionals Website using this link;
those with cp2 accounts and passwords, log in to the Examiners portal using your username and password;
those without passwords, click on the reset password button to enter your mobile number in the format (2547********) and submit to get your username and password for logging into the system;
upon successful login, complete your personal information and save it. Using the dashboard provided access, read, accept or reject the invitation letter provided. After one accepts the offer letter, download and print the invitation letter.
Important notes for 2024 Knec Examiners
Vacancies for 2024 KNEC KCSE Examiners marking the 2024 KCSE at the knec-examiners-app
The 2024KCSE Knec examiners will be competitively selected from all 8 regions and the 47 counties in Kenya.
Qualified teachers are expected to apply for the available 42, 000 slots for KCSE examiners this year before the given deadline via the
The 2024-2025 KNEC Examiners vacancies will be competitively filled this year and only teachers who meet the minimum qualifications below will be granted access to apply.
KNEC examiners vacancies 2024-2025 selection criteria/ legibility
Reporting Dates for 2024 KCSE Examiners marking the 2024 KCSE
Any teacher applying for the 2024 KNEC Examiners Vacancies for KCSE marking must
Be a Kenyan Citizen
Possess a valid national identification card.
Be TSC Registered
Not be on TSC interdiction for any indiscipline cases
Possess a valid KNEC registration Certificate for all examiners who have completed the KNEC training modules for all examiners.
Kindly note that only invited examiners only will be allowed to access the marking centers on the reporting dates indicated on the invitation letters.
Examiners who will not be able to access the examiners’ portal and download their invitation letters are therefore advised to keep off the marking venues since trying to access the marking centers is an errand of futility.
KNEC invites and selects examiners based on their performance during KNEC training. The top performers are given opportunities first since they are likely to deliver more credible results.
Given the throat-cutting competition for the limited Knec examiners’ vacancies, invited KCSE examiners are therefore advised to strictly adhere to the timelines indicated on the KNEC Examiners’ invitation letters 2024.
The official reporting time is 2:00 P.M. for all KNEC examiners. Kindly note that the reporting dates differ from one KCSE script to the other since the papers have got different demands.
More demanding KCSE papers like English paper 3 Eng 101/3 require more time while marking since examiners have to peruse through at least three compositions per candidate. These examiners therefore will report to their designated marking centers a few days after the candidates sit for their last KCSE examination paper.
Examiners who fail to turn up on the official reporting date and time indicated in the invitation letter will be disqualified.