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Latest: TSC List of Delocalized Teachers Per County, September 2020-List of Schools Affected by the Latest TSC Delocalization per county 2020


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TSC Full List of Delocalized Teachers September 2020 Per County-Nyamira

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TSC Delocalization News 2020: TSC Delocalization Lists 2020

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC has released a new list of delocalized teachers for various counties.

This comes at a time when teachers are on indefinite leave following the sudden closure of schools geared by the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus.

The Commission has also made major changes in as far as the appointment of school administrators is concerned.

Two months ago, the Commission decentralized the process of appointing school administrators, triggering speculations that the dreaded delocalizations may hit a dead end.

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However, barely two months down the line, some schools have experienced changes after heads were transferred to other stations this month.

TSC: List of Schools Affected by the Most Recent TSC Delocalization, September 2020

The list at our disposal contains a total of 14 schools in Nyamira County whose long-serving heads have been moved in the latest TSC Delocalization.

Two schools will receive newly appointed heads after their Principals hit the legal retirement age, 60.

The remaining 12 will have their long-serving principals transferred to new stations to improve efficiency.

Nyamira County list of delocalized principals and their respective schools 2020

School NameName of Delocalized/ Replaced PrincipalCountyIncoming PrincipalCounty From
Mecheo Secondary

Secondary School

Grace MatwereNyamira CountyKeari BonfaceNyamira County

Secondary School

Johnstone NyambogaNyamira CountyJane ObwochaKisii County
Nyameru Mixed

Secondary School

Rrawling O. JumaNyamira CountyHaron Onchong’aMigori County
Bosiango Mixed

Secondary School

Edward MokayaNyamira CountyLilian Gachahi
St. Peter’s  Nyakemincha

Secondary School

Arama Joseph MbereNyamira CountyMurungi Meme LeonardBomet County
Kebirigo Boys

Secondary School

Andrew Nyakundi GesoraNyamira CountyEzekiel KurgatKericho County
Gucha Mixed

Secondary School

Stephen NyabutiNyamira CountyEvelyne OmwoyoKisii County
St. Danes Eronge

Secondary School

Vincent MayiekaNyamira CountyFidelis Abong’oKisii County
Kebirichi Secondary SchoolOkemwa Benford OmosaNyamira CountyOkemwa LilianKisii County
St. Paul Orotuba

Secondary School

GeorgeMoraraNyamira CountyOkumu C. OdongoBusia County
Moteoguto Secondary SchoolMary OkemwaNyamira CountyWilter OmbasoKisii County
Nyambiri Secondary SchoolZacharia RiobaNyamira CountyMoseWake NyaoreKisii County
St. Joseph Nyanchoka

Secondary School

Charles AnyonaNyamira CountyStanley WafulaKakamega County
Gesiaga mixed Secondary SchoolMangaa Sarah NdumiNyamira CountyZacharia OndiekiKisii County





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