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KCSE 2024-2025 Results: Top 100 Students  Nationally

KCSE 2024-2025 Results: Top 100 Students  Nationally

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KCSE 2024-2025 Results: Top 100 Students  Nationally

KCSE 2024-2025 Results: List of Top 100 Schools with the Highest Number of As Nationally

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KCSE 2024 Results: Official list of Top 100 Students per County:

Kenny Levin Kimaru of Moi High School Kabarak, Laura Tinna Ayuma of Langalanga Secondary, Kemboi Sydney of Teremi Boys are among the KCSE top performers nationally this year.


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Kenny Levin KimaruMoi High School – KabarakA

Laura Tinna Ayuma

Langalanga Secondary SchoolAKiambu
Kemboi SydneyTeremi Boys High SchoolANakuru
Kirwa Kipngetich FaustineChewoyet High SchoolABomet
Isanda Onsembe JosephBaricho High SchoolAKirinyaga
Mucheru Josiah MainaKangaru SchoolAEmbu
Mwangi Peter Caleb MuchokiNjiiri SchoolAMuranga
Hamid Ali MoamedLight Academy MombasaAMombasa
Bokeye Ibrahim ChachaThika High SchoolAKiambu
Enock Henry OdhiamboKisumu Boys High SchoolAKisumu
Aguet Bior KongorMakueuni Girls High SchoolAMakueni
Njeru Edwin MunyiNjiiri SchoolAMuranga
Obure Ian NyangauStarehe Boys Centre and SchoolA Nairobi
Wanjohi Elvis MuchunuNjiiri SchoolAMuranga
Najma NjambiSheikh KhalifaAMombasa
Farouk AliSheikh KhalifaAMombasa
Uzair Hussein AliSheikh KhalifaAMombasa
Kimathi Elvis MureithiMuranga High SchoolAMuranga
Kiplangat ValeriusSt. Anthony’s Boys’ High SchoolATrans Nzoia
Wanderi Samson KaranjaAnestar Boys High SchoolANakuru
Jake Njoli MwanjeleAnestar Boys High SchoolANakuru
Stallone KimanziKapling Boys High SchoolABomet
Zawadi Mercyline CharoMakueuni Girls High SchoolB+Makueni
Mark KibetKapsabet BoysANandi
Elvis KipchumbaKapsabet BoysANandi
Njoroge Elvis MachariaNjiiri SchoolAMuranga
Terence Africanus OduoryMaseno SchoolAKisumu
Brian OtuchoKapsabet BoysANandi
Abdikarim ShireKapsabet BoysANandi
Jakes Mudaki WiliamsKapsabet BoysANandi
Mburu Eugene NormanKapsabet BoysANandi
Will Emmanuel IsandaAlliance High SchoolAKiambu
Wayne John SandaAlliance High SchoolAKiambu
Isaac BundotichBaringo Boys High SchoolA-Baringo
Karimi Kennedy WambuaNyangwa Boys Secondary SchoolAEmbu
Francis Xavier OdhiamboTeremi Boys High SchoolA-Bungoma
Cheren Yusuf KibetTeremi Boys High SchoolA-Bungoma
Mwenda BrianKerugoya Boys High SchoolB+Kirinyaga
Ian KipkemboiKabianga High SchoolAKericho
Wairimu Ezra MungaKaplong Boys High SchoolAKericho
Isanda Onsembe JosephBaricho High SchoolAKirinyaga
Keith Munene MuriithiBaricho High SchoolAKirinyaga
Karanja Paul KibebeKerugoya Boys High SchoolB+Kirinyaga
Kamau Evelyne MuthoniKerugoya Girls SchoolAKirinyaga

KCSE 2024 Results Analysis for Top Performing Schools Nationally

National Schools scooped the highest number of candidates who recorded the most coveted top grades nationally- straight A plains and A- in the just-released KCSE examination results of 2024.

Out of 9,436 candidates who scored grades A- and A plain, 5,986 representing 63.44 percent were registered with national schools in the country.

KCSE 2024 Results: Top 100 Schools with A Plain Nationally

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For the A plain category, 1,375 out of 1,693 candidates came from national schools representing 81.22 per cent. 163 students from extra-county schools also scored A plain, representing 9 per cent, private schools had 142 representing 8.39 per cent while Sub-County schools had 9 while County schools had 4.

In the A- category, of the 7,743 candidates who attained the grade, 4,611 came from national schools, representing 59.55 per cent, 2,060 were from extra-county schools representing 26.60 per cent while Sub-County schools had 302, County schools- 151 and private schools-619 representing 7.99 per cent.



Mean grade B+ category

For the B+ category, extra-county schools got the lion’s share of the total 19,150 candidates who scored the grade in the 2024 KCSE exams with 7,667, representing 40 per cent. National schools got 6,947 representing 36.28 per cent, while County and sub-county schools got 1,102 and 1,901 respectively. Private schools had 1,533.

43,120 candidates scored a mean grade of B plain in the 2024 KCSE exams. Out of this, extra county schools equally got a big share of 18,925 representing 43.89 per cent, national schools- 8,185 representing 18.98 per cent, county and sub-county schools got 4,329 and 8,105 respectively while private schools had 3,576 candidates attain the grade.


Extra-county schools also had a significant share of grade B- with 31,712 of the total 75,347 representing 42 per cent while national schools had 7,672 representing 10 per cent. County and sub-county schools had 10,727 and 19,410 while private schools had 5,826.

Sub-County schools shine

While 99,338 students scored grade C+ which is the minimum university entry point, sub-county schools led in the number of candidates scoring grade C plain with 43,468 out of 111,717 representing 38.9 per cent while national schools had 3,409 representing 3.05 per cent, private schools-5,922 and extra-county schools having 36,678.

Out of the total 118,781 who got grade C-, 57,157 were from Sub-County schools representing 48.12 per cent while national schools had 1,714 representing a paltry 1.44 per cent. Extra-county schools had 25 per cent scoring the grade while county and private schools had 20 per cent and 4.73 per cent respectively.

Sub-county schools equally led in the grades D+ category with 60 per cent, D plain with 73 per cent, D- with 82 per cent and E with 83.52 per cent. National schools had 0.33 per cent of the total 48,333 candidates who scored grade E.


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