KCSE 2020-2021 Results; Stay Tuned for the Live Coverage of the 2020 KCSE Results Today on Monday, May 10, 2021
The latest details reaching us now clearly indicate that the 2020-2021 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE results which have been anticipated since Friday will be released today.
As the norm dictates, the Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha will present the official KCSE 2020-2021 knec results to President Uhuru Kenyatta at State House first before proceeding to Knec Headquarters at Mtihani House in Nairobi for the official release ceremony today on Monday, May 10, 2021.
2020 KCSE Results Release Details
CS Magoha is expected to announce the 2020-2021 KCSE results in detail.
He will announce the List of KCSE 2020-2021 Top 10 schools as per their mean scores this year; School Name, Mean Scores, and Position.
CS Magoha will also release the KNEC official List of KCSE 2020 Top Candidates, their schools, and mean grade.
The CS will also announce results for the Special Needs Category, SNE schools; KCSE 2020-2021 Top 10 Special Needs Schools and Candidates.
KCSE Results 2021 Special Credits
CS Magoha will also give special credits to various categories of KCSE 2020 Candidates and schools among them KCSE 2020-2021 Most Improved Candidates (candidates who scored low or average KCPE marks but have posted a marked improvement in their KCSE Results), KCSE 2020-2021 Top performing sub-county secondary schools which admit learners with average scores but post stellar results during KCSE results, KCSE 2020 youngest/underage Top performing candidate, Schools with the highest number of As among others.
KCSE 2020/2021 Results Set to Be Released any time from now
The CS of Education Magoha in a presser on Friday, May 7 was forced to apologize for not releasing the KNEC Results 2021, then.
He said that due to the Examiners’ strikes that have been ongoing, the Marking of papers was delayed hence the results will be out by 10th May 2021.
The marking of the Kenya National Examination of Secondary Education K.C.S.E was to end on Wednesday with the pre-announced test results to be released on May 10th.
However, the latest details are alleged to have appeared in the Associated Education Gazette of a stakeholder meeting held this morning indicating that the CS through the Department of Education Professor Magoha was intending to release the exams on Friday, May 7th, 2021.
According to this publication, Prof. Magoha had promised Kenyans that the exams will be released at noon despite the announcement made earlier that they can be expected to be released on 10th May.
As this announcement was made, Prof. Magoha made it clear that a few cases of exam irregularities were experienced in the 2020 KCSE.
To reassure education stakeholders during the meeting, who raised the issue of non-compliance with the exams, Magoha said all those involved in exam malpractice if found guilty, stringent action would be taken against them.
Teachers who marked the tests put down their tools claiming low marking grants despite the difficult conditions in the marking centers.
One of the examiners for fear of anonymous harassment expressed disappointment with the way KNEC had handled his issue.