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KCPE 2021 Knec Results Portal Instant Access; Get your KCPE 2020/2021 verified Knec Results Instantly!
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KCPE 2021 Knec Results Portal for Schools; Get your KCPE 2020/2021 verified Knec Results right away!
Knec KCPE 2020/2021 Results: Are you dying to have a glance at your Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE results? Well. Our ever dedicated media team has provided the safest and inarguably fastest links to the correct Knec KCPE Results Portal and other main channels through which you can cool your heels and quench your thirst for your results.
Click on the links below to access your KCPE and KCSE 2021 Knec Results Instantly!
KCPE 2021 Knec Results Instant Access
Though receiving your KCPE 2021 Knec Results via SMS knec code 20076 has proved to be efficient, downloading your Knec Results online is even better since you can access your results instantly and calm your nerves.
How to download KNEC KCPE Results for the whole school in 2021
To check KCPE results for the entire school, you don’t need any special technical skills or knowledge. You will need basic computer knowledge. Also, not everyone can download results for a given school. This especially true because you can’t access the online KNEC account of a given school unless you have their username and password. Below is the procedure you should follow when it comes to checking KCPE results per school.
To access KCPE results online, you will need the following:
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KNEC portal login credentials for the school in question
Active internet connection
A laptop, mobile phone or even a desktop
A browser
Enough space in your gadget to accommodate the download.
Basic computer/phone skills
Schools can now access the 2021 KCPE results online from the KNEC portal; http://www.knec-portal.ac.ke/. You can now download the school’s nominal roll easily.
You can get the results by using this procedure;
1. Visit the official KNEC schools’ portal by clicking the link above.
2. To login to the KNEC portal, Insert the User Name and Password which you used during the KCPE 2020 registration.
3. Once inside the portal, you will see several boxes. First, under the box labelled ‘FROM INDEX’, input the index number of the first candidate (in full) and in the box labelled ‘TO INDEX NUMBER’ input the last candidate’s index Number. Click on ‘VIEW REPORT’.
4. Wait for the result slips to load. When all the slips are loaded, click on the Menu labeled ‘EXPORT’.
5. Select the format you would like to export the KCPE Result Slips e.g. ‘WORD’ or ‘PDF’ formats.
6. The KCPE Result slips will be downloaded to an offline storage in your computer.
7. You can then print the downloaded result slips.
Finally, candidates can check their KCPE 2020 results by visiting their former schools a day after the official release of the exam.
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