Good News to TSC Interviewees who applied for the 11, 570 2020 TSC Teaching Jobs as Interview Dates, Merit Lists are finally released
Teachers who applied for the over 11, 000 teaching posts in September have got every reason to calm their nerves, and put a smile on their faces now.
Their only point of concern should be how to put act together and prepare thoroughly for the upcoming interviews.
The latest report on the upcoming TSC Interviews by the Daily Nation shows that the merit lists for various counties are ready and candidates are expected to start presenting themselves physically for the interviews early next week.
The interviews will focus on communication ability of the candidates, participation in co-curricular activities that enhance learners’ talents and academic qualifications.
Since the Teachers Service Commission has been hailed as an equal opportunity employer, the recruits need to shelve their fears and look forward to the upcoming TSC interviews with great enthusiasm.
Below is a link to the Frequently Asked Questions During TSC Interviews
Categories of Teachers Whose TSC Employment Forms are Likely to be Rejected in the Upcoming 2020 TSC Recruitment
Despite the irresistible urge by unemployed teachers in Kenya to be employed permanently by T.S.C in for the forthcoming interviews, some are going to be successful during interviews but their employment forms may end up being rejected by T.S.C.
The following are groups of teachers whose forms are likely to be rejected upon succeeding in the forthcoming interviews.
1. Those teachers who are going to be successful yet they haven’t done a unit of teaching methods from their respective universities. Since universities are autonomous you can easily graduate without this unit. Some universities also do not offer teaching methods for the two teaching subjects.
Therefore if you lack this important unit you are likely to get a regret from T.S.C main offices in Nairobi.
2. For you to qualify to teach in any teaching subject you must have scored a at least a c plus in that subject from high school. Therefore incase you are going to be successful in interviews and you scored below c plus, your form will be rejected during vetting process at T.S.C offices.
3. As per T.S.C for you to qualify in a teaching subject you must have done at least eight units from university. Therefore if incase you are going to win in any interview and you didn’t do at least eight unit per teaching subject. Then T.S.C will reject your form.
4. For those who are going to used undobius methods to defeat the opponents in interviews. Incase the opponents qualifies more than you, then they are likely to launch a claim as result your form will be rejected.