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Diploma in Primary Teacher Education Admission 2021; DPTE To Commence in June as MoE Plans to Replenish all P1 Teachers 

Official Admission Dates for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE 2021

Diploma in Primary Teacher Education Admission 2021; DPTE To Commence in June as MoE Plans to Replenish all P1 Teachers by newspro.co.ke

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Diploma in Primary Teacher Education Admission 2021; DPTE To Commence in June as MoE Plans to Replenish all P1 Teachers 

Official Admission Dates for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE 2021

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Diploma in Primary Teacher Education Admission 2021; DPTE To Commence in June as MoE Plans to Replenish all P1 Teachers 

The Ministry has now announced the official 2021 admission dates for the first hybrid cohort of Primary school teachers.

According to the Ministry of Education’s calendar, training of the pioneer breed of primary school diploma teachers will commence in June 2021 upon completion of the May 2021 selection process.

New Training for Primary School Teachers

Under the new competence-based tuition regime, a diploma in primary teacher education is the set minimum requirement for anyone wishing to become a primary school teacher to guarantee quality teaching and learning standards.

Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE Selection/ Admission

According to data from the Ministry of Education, MoE, approximately 1, 000 students have been identified to pioneer in the new diploma in Primary teacher education programme.

The 1, 000 students will join only six Teacher Training Colleges, TTCs across Kenya as teacher education reforms kick-off to pivot the new Competency-based Curriculum, CBC.


Given the tight minimum requirements for DPTE admission, the 1, 000 students who have been selected will join MOE-approved TTCs that can comfortably implement the new curriculum designs which include Machakos, Thogoto, Baringo, Igoji, Migori, and Shanzu.

Official MoE Reporting Dates for DPTE Teacher Trainees 2021

DPTE teacher trainees are expected to start reporting to their respective teacher training colleges from June 2, 2021.

The initial reporting date which had been set on May 24, has been done away with. Some of the students will report to their designated colleges on Monday next week while the remaining will follow in June.

Every college has been allocated 150-200 students for a start with the remaining colleges expected to absorb students in September, the second intake.

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Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE Intakes 2021

According to the Education CS, Teacher Training Colleges will receive students in two phases this year. The first intake is already underway with over 1, 000 students already enrolled for the new Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE in six colleges.

The second intake is set to take place in September. Click Here to apply for the DPTE September intake.

This, therefore, means that the KCSE 2020 candidates can still apply for the new course.

Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE Duration

The new curriculum designs for the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, DPTE will require a minimum of three years to complete.

All Primary School Teachers to Undergo CBC Training

Plans are also underway to ensure that all currently serving primary school teachers whether employed by TSC or not undergo training to replenish their knowledge and skills.

According to the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, KICD Director Charles Ong’ondo, all P1 teachers will be given a chance to sharpen and upgrade their skills through virtual and in-person platforms.

“We are developing a diploma program for them and that may be school-based or virtual. But we shall communicate in good time,” he said last week.

Diploma in Primary Teacher Education- DPTE Subject Requirements 2021

Applicants must have a KCSE Mean Grade of C Plain with a C Plain in English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, and any of the Humanities and Sciences.

The entry behavior for Candidates with disabilities is however slightly lower than that of abled candidates- a KCSE mean grade of C- Minus and a C- Minus in the Cluster subjects.

The new minimum requirements for primary teacher trainees have however attracted complaints even from key stakeholders within the education sector with some critics arguing that the education ministry should have set the admission criteria to be an aggregate mean score of C Plain at KCSE level and do away with individual subject performances.

What is your take? Do you think the government was right to tighten the minimum entry requirements for the new enhanced diploma in primary teacher education?

Feel free to share your thoughts on our comments platform since your ideas do matter.


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  1. martha mukhwana says

    the government has limited many who have got vision of becoming primary school teachers… tightening the entry requirements doesn’t make any sense…those requirements should be for those who wants to become secondary teachers…those grades are equivalent to mean grade of c+ for secondary teachers

    1. Eliah says

      This implies that in the future there will be a shortage of teachers,,

      1. News Pro Team says


    2. Martha wanyama says

      am the victim of that limitations..how come somebody has managed to score the minimum grade of c plain and the government he’s ahead to put minimum requirements of subjects

  2. Adan says

    The government should do away with selectively of subjects but c plain is enough or with a c in every subjects it’s very rear to fit requirements.

  3. Denis says

    Not look for subject, just rely on agrigate grade, only.. and let it remain C plain..

  4. john gitau says

    This is totai discrimination, my daughter score C plain of 43, english c, kiswahil B-, geog B+, maths D, CRE B, sciences Ds, , and she want to be a teacher and got no chance?why are you killing the dreams of this innocent girl.

  5. john gitau says

    That is total discrimination, my daughter scored C plain of 42, Eng C, KiswB-, , CRE B Geog B+, Maths D and sciences Ds, she want to be a teacher, is this not killing the dream of our children, government should reverse this restriction.

  6. Quinter says

    The government is inhuman for those who did their pte ten years ago and are not in service,they are now parents and now required back to college for cbc upgrading,this fee itoke wapi?to make matters worse it is fully residencial,how about our kids.God will punish you.

    1. News Pro Team says

      Sorry Madam. Some of these policies really need thorough scrutiny before being implemented.

  7. John Muthengi says

    This governmet is contradictory…we can talk of specialisation in the new curriculum and yet the same government…. requires tthis with immediate effect….eacher aspirants to shine in all areas of subjects in kcse…actually . specialisation is about the subjects one is good at…the state should reconsider and revisit

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