Coronavirus now spreads to the Counties in as reported cases of Gender-based Violence triple in Kenya
As the Kenyan Government confirms 8 more coronavirus positive cases in Kenya today, Dr Mwangangi has confirmed that the Coronavirus pandemic has now reached the county levels in Kenya.
This brings the total number of covid 19 cases in Kenya to 216 on Tuesday March 14, 2020.
Nairobi, Mombasa and Kilifi Counties still remain the epicentres of the pandemic.
Nakuru County has recorded 5 coronavirus cases, Nyamira County (1) and Kisii County (1).
Although most of the patients have a travel history, some involve local transmissions.
In the last 24 hours, the MOH has tested 694 samples and out of this, 8 turned out positive.
5 are Kenyans while three are foreigners. Nairobi recorded 6 covid-19 cases, Siaya recorded one while Nakuru recorded one on April 14, 2020.
Out of the 8 new covid 19 cases, 6 have a travel history.
Tracing of contacts
Dr Mwangangi also called upon Kenyans to help the Government in contact tracing especially by monitoring their movements.
She further added that the Government is planning to effectively utilise IT in contact tracing and follow up on recoveries.
An app is being designed for contact tracing but meanwhile, Kenyans should make use of the emergency number.
Gender-based violence
Dr Mercy Mwangangi also noted that gender-based violence cases have tripled in the last few weeks following the outbreak of the pandemic.
Right now, the number of gender-based violence cases is three times more.