Strathmore Schoolemerged top in the 2023 Kenya Certificate of  Secondary Education, KCSE, examination in Nairobi County. The school had a mean score of 10.5 A- a marked positive deviation that propelled it to the peak of academic excellence dethroning and dwarfing academic giants in the country.

The second and third positions were scooped by Pangani Girls High School and the Kenya High School; respectively.

1.Strathmore School


2.Pangani High School


3.The Kenya High School 


9.95 23NairobiNairobi
4.Nairobi School9.54336NairobiNairobi
5. Light Academy Nairobi9.3943NairobiNairobi
6.Starehe Boys Centre 9.2753NairobiNairobi
7.Lenana School8.3596120NairobiNairobi


New Mid-Year KNEC KCSE Examinations 2025

The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) will introduce a mid-year series of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination which will be administered in July every year. 

This was intimated by Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Julius Migos on Thursday, noting that this targets candidates wishing to repeat their exam, or those who missed it due to unavoidable circumstances.

“Adult candidates may also consider registering for the July KCSE series examination,” he said while releasing the 2024 KCSE results.