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2020 KCPE AND KCSE KNEC Exams likely to be disrupted following Coronavirus Pandemic in Kenya

2020 KCSE and KCPE national exams may be delayed this year if coronavirus continues spreading in Kenya.


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2020 KCPE AND KCSE KNEC Exams likely to be disrupted following Coronavirus Pandemic in Kenya

This is how Coronavirus may affect KCSE 2020 and KCPE 2020 exams

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2020 KCSE and KCPE national exams may be delayed this year if coronavirus continues spreading in Kenya.


On Sunday, March 13, 2020, President Uhuru Kenyatta ordered all schools to be shut down for 30 days following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in Kenya to contain its spread.

This means that learning is likely to resume on April 16, 2020, if Kenya manages to contain the spread of coronavirus.

Besides, travel bans to the UK where the Kenya Certificate Primary Education (KCPE) and the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exam papers get printed may delay the entire process.

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School heads have also expressed their concerns regarding the disruption of KCSE practical exams for Group IV subjects such as Agriculture, Home Science, Woodwork, etc.

According to The Standard, top KNEC officials have been trapped in the coronavirus lockdown. They cannot travel to Britain to fast track the revision and printing of KCPE and KCSE national exams.

Sources conversant with the process show that final touches on the KCPE and KCSE exam questions are usually done in April.

In May, proofreading and printing of the KCPE and KCSE exams are done after which they are packaged and transported into Kenya.

According to KNEC statistics, by February 28, 2020 (the official registration deadline for KCPE and KCSE exams) a total of 1, 938,667 candidates had registered to sit the tests.

The major fear, however, is on delayed syllabus coverage, especially if the lockdown extends beyond April 2020.



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