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TSC now issues new guidelines to teachers on the implementation of TPAD for 2020 term 2 and 3; Read the full details below- Latest TSC TPAD guidelines


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TSC now issues new guidelines to teachers on the implementation of TPAD for 2020 term 2 and 3; Read the full details below- Latest TSC TPAD guidelines 

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) recently issued a memo on the fresh guidelines directing how the Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD 2) for the 2020 term 2 and 3 should be carried out.

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The latest memo issued by the Commission, shows that the TPAD system will be opened for term 3 for grade 4, class 8 and form 4 teachers and term 2 for teachers of  grade 1,2,3, class 5,6,7 and form 1, 2 and 3 will be opened from 11th January 2021 to 26th March 2021.

TSC has at the same time communicated about the closure of TPAD 2 portal which has opened for term 2 2020 on 12th October 2020 and closed on 31st December.

This was after schools were opened and all teachers required to report to their work stations vide Circular No. 12/2020.

Read also:

TSC officially closes Term 2 TPAD; see how you can print your report for future TSC interviews and Promotions

TSC TPAD Portal 2021

Once the TPAD 2 portal is open, teachers can perform the following tasks:

Creating a TPAD 2 Account and Logging in

Scheduling an Appraisal Rating Meeting online

Undertaking Lesson Observation

Capturing learner progress records

Filling weekly lesson attendance data

Reaching an agreement on Appraisee and Appraiser marks plus countersigning

Creating a lesson observation request

To comply fully with the TPAD filing requirements, the Commission directs the field officers as follows:

All teachers create appraisal depending on the classes they teach i.e. Teachers teaching grade 4, class 8 and form 4 should create appraisal for term 3 whereas the teachers teaching the other classes should create for term 2. This only applies for primary and secondary schools.

Submit a list of schools missing from the TPAD system in your respective Counties.

Submit list of schools yet to be provided with IPPD codes in your respective counties.

That all teachers are mapped in their respective schools, zones, sub counties and counties respectively.

Submit a list of teachers yet to appear on TPAD online system (kindly provide their TSC numbers and work stations).

Inform all heads of institution that the Performance Contract (PC) for heads of institution and the PC calendar have been uploaded in the TPAD online system.

All heads of institution should start filling their Performance Contract by developing the operational work plan by the 11th January 2021.

Generate appraisal reports from the TPAD online system. Where there are discrepancies of the total number of appraisals exceeding the total number of teachers, establish the root cause and take necessary action.

TSC notes that teachers are not getting adequate support from the field officers.

It has also come to the attention of the Commission that teachers are not getting adequate support in navigating the TPAD online system from field officers.

This is due to the several enquiries being raised through different communication channels of the Commission.

This has been noted even after County Directors, County ICT officers and other field officers
were assigned roles in the TPAD online system.

“You are required to ensure that teachers are supported as part of effective service delivery.” Says Dr. Mugwuku Menduni; the TSC Director of Quality Assurance and Standards



TSC has also outlined the roles to be performed by each of the field officers. See the specific duties below:

1. TSC County Directors

Change teachers’ designations to teacher, DHOI (Deputy Head of Institution) and HOI (Head of Institution)

Transfer teachers from one station to the other.

View all sub-counties and zones in the county.


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Add and change an ICT officer

Countersigning for heads of secondary schools

Scheduling and undertaking appointments- M&E, lesson observation

Change a teacher’s institution

View a teacher’s appraisal

Change a teacher to be a deputy head of institution or head of institution.

Cancelling appraisal

Assign a teacher to be an appraiser and can also revoke those rights.

Generate various County reports.

2. Sub County Directors

Switch from one sub county to another for those with more than one (alternate)

Countersign and cancel appraisals


Undertaking lesson observations

Create and check schedules

Generate various reports

3. County ICT Officers.

Search and map a teacher to the current station

Change teachers’ designations i.e. from teacher, DHOI and HOI

View all institutions and teachers

View teachers’ appraisals

Generate various County reports

4. Curriculum Support Officers (CSOs)

Scheduling and undertaking appointments- M&E, lesson observation

Change a teacher’s institution

View a teacher’s appraisal

Change a teacher to be a deputy head of institution or head of institution

Cancelling Appraisals

Countersigning deputy heads of institution of primary schools

Appraising heads of institution

Generate various reports

5. Head of Institution (HOI)

The head of institution can assign a teacher to be an appraiser and can also revoke those rights.
Appraising the deputy head of institution and teachers
View a teacher’s appraisal
Change a teacher to be a deputy head of institution or head of institution
Cancelling appraisal
Countersigning deputy heads of institution of primary schools
Remove teachers from an institution-those who have exited
Can add incoming teachers
Undertake weekly lesson attendance
Generate various reports

6. Deputy Head of Institution (DHOI)

Appraising teachers
Undertaking weekly lesson attendance
Lesson observation
Generate various reports


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