Teachers’ unions, KUPPET and KNUT are yet to come to an agreement over TSC teachers’ salary loan deductions.
Whereas KUPPET wants the Teachers Service Commission to have tutors’ loan interests waived, KNUT feels like the TSC should not tamper with teachers’ payslips due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The punch line is, between KUPPET and KNUT which union is fighting for TSC teachers’ welfare?
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The outbreak of the covid-19 world pandemic has opened yet another bandora’s box.
Contrary to the usual TSC and KNUT tussles that have become the order of the day, this time around the battle line has been drawn between the two giant unions: KNUT and KUPPET.
The two unions seem to be reading from different scripts in as far as teachers’ salary deductions are concerned.
The beginning of this battle was when KUPPET Secretary General Akelo Misori wrote to the TSC requesting for teachers’ loans to be waived following the coronavirus pandemic in Kenya.
Mr. Sossion however wrote to the TSC disapproving KUPPET’s proposal to have tutor’s interest loans waived and withhold deductions.
His point of departure was that KUPPET wants to “bring down teachers savings” and SACCOs.
Illegal and unfounded
KNUT Secretary General Mr. Sossion described KUPPET’s proposal as illegal and retrogressive since SACCOs are the lifeline of teachers.
Therefore if deductions are withheld, they are bound to destroy the future of the teachers and their families.
If KUPPET’s proposals get implemented, the SACCOs will be brought down to their knees and therefore will not be able to carry on with their day to day business.
KNUT boss also said that third-party deductions on TSC employed teachers’ salaries should continue although there was no explanation given to justify this.
In a quick rejoinder KUPPET boss told Mr. Sossion to stop dipping his nose in the wrong cookie jar.
He said that Sossion should keep off KUPPET’s affairs. Besides, KUPPET will continue fighting for teachers’ welfare without fear of intimidation from its rival union, KNUT.
“All he does is to imagine new ways of picking up fights with KUPPET. Having turned KNUT into a one-man show, all Sossion does is stalk KUPPET,” added Mr. Misori.
Misori said that he had requested KUPPET members to avoid engaging in petty tussles with KNUT.
He further added that KNUT’s stance is misguided. Mr. Sossion has confused interest on loans and SACCO subscriptions.
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