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TSC Salaries and Promotions Online; TSC Ordered to Draft a Budget for Promotion of Teachers with Higher Qualifications


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TSC Salaries and Promotions Online; TSC Ordered to Avail a Budget for Promotion of Teachers with Higher Qualifications

TSC Salaries and Promotions Online; TSC Ordered to Draft a Budget for Promotion of Teachers with Higher Qualifications

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TSC Salaries and Promotions 2022-2023; TSC Ordered to Draft a Budget for Promotion of Teachers with Higher Qualifications

In a nutshell; Teachers currently employed by the Teachers Service Commission-TSC Kenya have got reason to smile after Members of Parliament directed their employer to avail a budget so that funds can be allocated for the promotion of teachers with higher qualifications.

Parliament Renders Good News to Teachers with Higher Qualifications

Thousands of TSC-employed teachers who have been languishing in poverty having committed their time and resources to the rigorous process of acquiring higher qualifications-diplomas, degrees, masters, and PhDs are a happy today after parliament directed their employer the Teachers Service Commission to reward their efforts by increasing their pay and promoting them to higher cadres/ grades.

The latest recommendation by the National Assembly is good music to these teachers’ ears following a successful petition by a splinter union.

Ms. Martha Omollo, who is the spokesperson of the break-away Kenya National Teachers Pressure Group, KNTPG takes pride in the great strides the pressure group has made after convincing the Parliament to force the Teachers Service Commission to promote teachers who have acquired diplomas, bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. degrees while in service.

The August house on its last day gave a recommendation that the Teachers Service Commission should continue recognizing and acknowledging the efforts of the teachers who have acquired the higher qualifications enlisted above.

“The TSC should within six months of the adoption of this report open negotiations with teachers’ unions on the career progression guidelines and uphold the rights of teachers who have acquired the relevant qualifications while in service,” read the report in part.

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 TSC Guidelines on Relevant Courses to be Undertaken by Teachers Wishing to Attain Higher Qualifications

Parliament at the same time directed the Teachers Service Commission to map out relevant courses to be undertaken by teachers wishing to attain higher qualifications.

“Further TSC shall give guidelines on relevant courses to be undertaken by teachers,” reads the report by the Education and Research Committee adopted by Members of Parliament in June 2022.

TSC Promotions Guidelines will be Pegged on UNESCO/ ILO Recommendations 1966

The Committee at the same time recommended that henceforth, all TSC promotions will be based on UNESCO/ILO recommendations of the year 1966 that codify the intellectual rights of teachers who undertake and complete relevant in-service training courses.

TSC Budget 2023-2024 to Incorporate Promotions Funds for Teachers with Higher Qualifications

The members of parliament at the same time instructed the Commission to include budgetary estimates for promotions of eligible teachers in the 2023-2024 cycle.

Initially, the commission used to automatically promote teachers with degrees from Grade C1 to Grade C2 automatically. The Commission however failed to sustain this practice given the influx of teachers with higher qualifications.

Since the year  2014, TSC has been promoting teachers with degrees based on available vacancies. Due to the limited funds, the Commission has been promoting 1,000 teachers every year.

Now all eyes are trained on the Commission to see whether it will heed and yield to the pressure.

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