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TSC Recruitment Scoresheet July 2021-2022: Intern Teachers To Score a Whooping 30 Marks As TSC Levelizes Diploma and Degree Holders


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TSC Recruitment/ Replacement Scoresheet July 2021-2022: Intern Teachers To Score a Whooping 30 Marks As TSC Levelizes Diploma and Degree Holders

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New TSC Score sheet 2021/2022

New TSC Score sheet 2021/2022

Intern teachers are set benefit greatly from the recruitment score sheet released by the Teachers Service Commission.

According to the score sheet, an evidence of internship will enable a teacher seeking recruitment to score a whopping 30 marks. This is an increase from 10 marks used to be awarded for interns seeking employment.

Awarding of 30 marks to intern teachers is literally making this programme almost compulsory, that without it, no chance of employment. Initially, when the programme was introduced by the commission, unemployed teachers gave it a wide berth.

At the same time, teachers who score second class upper and second class lower will be awarded the same marks for the quality of the certificate.


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Additionally, diploma holders will now compete favourable with degree holders after the teachers’ employer levelized their score sheet. Here is how marks for level and quality of the certificate will be awarded for both diploma and degree holders:

Degree (BED)
First class40
Second Class Upper35
Second Class Lower35
Degree + PGDE or BSC+PGDE
First class40
Second Class Upper35
Second Class Lower35
Diploma + Dip Tech Education
Diploma in Education
Maximum Score40

Another scoring area that has been improved is the length of stay since graduation. From the just released score sheet, duration of stay since graduation will not to matter so much as it used to be. This will undoubtedly end the tradition of those teachers who seek employment in other sectors first only for them to think of TSC recruitment few years later.

Here is how marks for length of stay since graduation will be awarded;

2015 and Before25
2019 and After5


Finally, five marks have been set aside for communication ability, co-curricular certificate of participation, academic performance of learners for the last three years and evidence of special talent.

In most cases this area is very crucial when it comes to breaking of ties.

Communication Ability2
Participation in Co-curricular activities1
Students’ academic performance(Exam Record for last three years)1
Special Talent(s)1

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