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TSC Promotions Complete; Processing of 2021 TSC Promotions Results for The Teachers Fully completed (Promotion Letters to be dispatched in May)

Latest News on 2021 TSC promotions , appointments and deployments of TSC teachers to Higher Grades

Tsc promotions letters 2021 by newspro.co.ke

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TSC Promotions Complete; Processing of 2021 TSC Promotions Results for The Teachers Fully completed (Promotion Letters to be dispatched in May)

TSC Promotions 2021 Complete; Processing of 2021 TSC Promotions Results for The Teachers Fully completed (Promotion Letters to be dispatched in May

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Latest news on TSC Teachers promotions 2021; 

Latest News on 2021 TSC promotions , appointments and deployments of TSC teachers to Higher Grades

TSC Promotions Results 2021: The teachers’ employer-Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has finally completed the process of promoting 16,152 teachers who will be filling available available TSC Promotions Slots this year after conducting successful interviews in December 2020 and February 2021.


The interviews are part of the final phase of the 2017-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that has been implemented since 1st July 2017 and is set to end in July 2021.

TSC Promotions Letters 2021- C4, C5, D1, D2, D3

TSC Promotion Letters on the outcome of the interviews are in the process of being spin to all teachers who attended the interviews.

Teachers are cautioned to be wary of fraudsters purporting to have ability to influence the outcome of the interviews.

The Commission will communicate to all teachers who were interviewed through the existing official communication channels.

The details of the positions that have been filled are as listed below;

List of Filled TSC Promotions Vacancies 2021

The filled positions include

Deputy Principal 1 D3

Deputy Principal II D2

Senior Lecturer I D2

Deputy Principal III D1

Curriculum Support Officers C5

Head teachers C5

Senior Master IV C4

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Deputy Headteacher II C4

Senior Lecturer IV C4

Senior Master IV C4

The Commission takes this opportunity to congratulate those who have been successfully promoted and encourages those who were not successful to apply when other vacancies are

TSC Promotions Results Impasse

On Friday April 30, the TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia was obliged to host ‘univited guests’ in matters TSC Promotions to resolve an impending umpasse over the manner in which the 2021 TSC teachers’ promotions were conducted.

The leaders from the purpotedly alienated Kajiado County who included Honourable Ole Metito Katoo, George Sunkuyia, Judith Pareno, and Mary Seneta were seeking an amicable solution to claims that Kajiado County’s TSC promotion vacancies were being dished out to “foreigners” while the sons of the soil were left to their own mechanisms of ekking a living.

TSC Promotions 2021 Official Petition by Kajiado Teachers

According to the petition tabled before the Teachers Service Commission Chief Executive Officer, CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia; Kajiado teachers have been incessantly left in the cold after being locked out of available leadership positions by a newly introduced system of promoting teachers.

The new TSC system of promoting teachers dictates that teachers legible for TSC headship positions- school heads, sub county directors and county directors must first serve in Job Groups L, M and N.

Teachers in Kajiado therefore feel left out and forced to serve under foreigners installed by the Commission in various TSC administrative posts.

The petition further stated that all Maasai teachers in Kajiado County with the required leadership skills and experience have been denied TSC Promotions following the introduction of Career Progression Guidelines, CPGs.

” Through Career Progression Guidelines, CPGs the Commission has been selectively promoting teachers to the said positions and therefore discriminating against deserving cases. All Maasai teachers in Kajiado are being denied Promotion opportunities as a result of the policy,” reads the petition in part.

Following the ensuing conflict, TSC Promotions Results 2021 may take a little bit longer before being released since the petitioners have roped in the Senate to intervene with a view of incorporating affirmative action by TSC when it comes to the appointment of resident teachers to leadership positions to promote regional balance.

They also want the TSC promotions guidelines to be reviewed in such a way that priority is given to Maasai teachers  before “others” are considered for the slots.

So what is next?

In her defence, the Teachers Service Commission CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia  said that all TSC Promotions above common Cadres are guided by a common code  of regulations.

” To this end, all Promotions above common Cadres are filled on a competitive basis as per the provisions of the Code of Regulation for Teachers and the Constitution of Kenya,” said Macharia.

She further added that interested teachers across Kenya are free to apply for established TSC administrative posts irrespective of their home county.

” Once a vacancy is established, the Commission advertises it through the same media for all interested teachers across the country to apply,” she added.


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