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TSC appointment letters for Teachers promoted in 2021; Relief as teachers who attended the 2021 TSC Promotions Interviews  receive letters. Check out the new salary scales, T-Scales for Promoted Teachers in 2021 Below

Tsc promotions 2021 by newspro.co.ke

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TSC appointment letters for Teachers promoted in 2021; Relief as teachers who attended the 2021 TSC Promotions Interviews  receive letters. Check out the new salary scales, T-Scales for Promoted Teachers in 2021 Below

 TSC appointment letters for Teachers promoted in 2021; Relief as teachers who attended the 2021 TSC Promotions Interviews  receive letters. Check out the new salary scales, T-Scales for Promoted Teachers in 2021 Below

TSC letters for promoted teachers (2021) Dispatched

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The Teachers Service Commission, TSC has finally honoured its pledge to fast track the 2021 TSC Promotions following the dispatchment of appointment letters for 16, 152 successful teachers this year.

The release of the TSC Promotions Interviews Results via an official TSC Circular has smitten the hearts of many teachers especially classroom teachers who had stagnated in Job Group L, C3 for over 10 years.

The 6,680 lucky teachers will henceforth be reporting back to school loaded with new responsibilities but packed with fatter payslips after they received their appointment letters approving their higher Cadres.

 TSC Promotion Lists and Letters (2021)

You might be wondering why TSC Promotions Letters are the centre of attention this year.

Just to give you some background knowledge, it is important to note that the 2021 TSC Promotions are one of a kind.

Unlike previous Promotions for teachers, the Teachers Service Commission advertised the highest number of vacancies in 2021.

Teachers who came through during the interviews will be expected to bridge the administrative gap experienced in the vast majority of schools.

For the first time, the Commission advertised more vacancies for senior teachers and masters in Grade C4 which is an entry grade for school administrators.

A total of 6,680 teachers were lucky to enter this admistrative grade with a salary range of over 600,000 per annum.

TSC Promotions Criteria 2021

From the data at our disposal it seems that the Commission took into account length of stay besides other factors such as affirmative action and regional balance.

This is simply because the vast majority of teachers who got promoted to C4 had overstayed in Job Group L without any prospects of Promotions forthcoming.

Now that they have received their appointment letters, they are assured of a brighter future in as far as matters career progression is concerned.

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New T-Scales for Promoted TSC Teachers  in 2021

Some of the letters at our disposal are those for C3 teachers (formerly job group L) who have now be promoted to grade C4 (Senior Master IV; T-Scale 9).

A total of 6,680 teachers were promoted to grade C4 (Senior Master IV). The promotion letters are being dispatched by the TSC through the respective TSC County Directors.

The promotion letters were written on 5th May, 2021.


New salary scales for promoted teachers

The teachers’ effective promotion date is 2nd March, 2021. This means that they will get a salary increment from this date onwards. The teachers will now earn a monthly basic salary of between Sh52,308 and Sh55,604.


Here are the contents in some of the promotion letters;


Further to your application for appointment to the grade of Senior Master IV (CA/T- Scale 9), and subsequent interview, I am pleased to inform you that you were successful.

Accordingly, the Commission has appointed you as Senior Master IV (C4/T-Scale 9) with effect from 2nd March, 2021 and retained in your current station.

The salary attached to this grade is Ksh.627,696- Ksh.667248 per annum.

Your performance will be evaluated based on the annual performance targets in the performance contracting and/or appraisal instruments. Accordingly, your attention is drawn to the provisions of Regulation 54 of the Code of Regulations for Teachers (2015)

New Duties and Responsibilities for TSC Promoted Teachers in May 2021

Your duties and responsibilities at this level shall be guided by the provisions of the Teachers Service Commission Act (2012), Code of Regulations for Teachers (2015), Code of Conduct and Ethics for Teachers (2015), Career Progression Guidelines for Teachers (2018) and any other Legislative instruments, Policies and Administrative Circulars issued by the Commission from time to time.

On behalf of the Teachers Service Commission, I congratulate and wish you success in the performance of your duties.

Your entry salary point will be communicated to you in due course through an Authorized Data Sheet.


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