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TSC Promotions 2021: The twilight trek of a TSC employed teacher to the highest grade, D5


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TSC Promotions 2021: The twilight trek of a TSC employed teacher to the highest grade, D5

TSC Promotions 2021: The twilight trek of a TSC employed teacher to the highest grade, D5

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Teachers Employed by TSC have been categorized into various job groups depending on experience and qualifications.

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Latest TSC salary scales

Prior to the latest CBA whose Implementation lapses June this year, job groups used to run from G for starting primary teachers to R for Principals.

However with the signing of the CBA came the career progression guidelines(CPGs) that replaced the former scheme of service.

According to CPGs, the former grading system changed to B5 for starting primary school teachers, C1- C5 and D1-D5 for Principals.


Below are the details of the new job groups and the number of years before Promotions are attained.

1). Grade B5 (T- Scale 5); Established for Primary Teacher II

2). Grade C1 (T- Scale 6); For Secondary Teacher III, Lecturer III and Primary Teacher I,To C2 for diploma teachers is automatic after 3 years

3). Grade C2 (T- Scale 7); For Secondary Teacher II, SNE Teacher II (Primary Schools), Lecturer II and Senior Teacher II

To C3 is automatic for graduate teachers after 3 years while it is through interview for diploma teachers

4). Grade C3 (T- Scale 8); A grade established for Secondary Teacher I, Lecturer I, SNE Teacher I (Primary Schools), SNE Teacher II (Secondary Schools) and Senior Teacher I

This is the common cadre for all graduates,The real masses stagnation point where a teacher can stagnate even beyond 25 years.

Real frustration job group for teachers formerly called job group L, To C4 is promotion after minimum of 3 years in C3.

5). Grade C4 (T- Scale 9); Established for Senior Master IV, Senior Lecturer IV, SNE Senior Teacher (Primary Schools), SNE Teacher I (Secondary Schools) and Deputy Head Teacher II

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New job group where teachers stay for minimum of 3 years

6). Grade C5 (T- Scale 10); For Deputy Principal IV, Senior Master III, Senior Lecturer III, Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher and Curriculum Support Officer II.

Formerly job group M, Teachers are supposed to stay for minimum of 3 years in this job group.

7). Grade D1 (T- Scale 11); Made up of Senior Master II, Deputy principal III, Senior Head Teacher, Senior Lecturer II and Curriculum Support Officer I

The beggining of real administration job group but real stagnation point especially for teachers in sub county schools.

Teacher must stay in this job group for a minimum of 3 years

8). Grade D2 (T- Scale 12); Deputy Principal II and Senior Master I

Mainly deputy administrative post in extra county schools and national schools,Teacher stay in this job minimum of 3 years.

9). Grade D3 (T- Scale 13); Principals and Deputy Principal I, Mainly principals in sub county schools, Minimum 3 years.

10). Grade D4 (T- Scale 14); A job group for Senior principals, Minimum 3 years.

11). Grade D5 (T- Scale 15); This is the job group for all Chief Principals

If a teacher join service at the age of 30 after serving Bom and later as an intern teacher for 2 years it will take a minimum of at least 9*3=27 years for a teacher whose promotion is automatic after every three years without any form of stagnation.

This teacher will be chief principal when he will be 58 years ,the age one is supposed to work from home.

Now below are salaries of teachers for all job groups starting with primary teachers in job group B5 who earn ksh 21756 to the chief Principal who takes home a basic salary of ksh 157 000.

Click here for full details

As the commision puts final touches on the the next CBA 2021-2025, job Stagnation is one  of the elephants in the room followed by salary Disparities.


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1 Comment
  1. Samuel says

    Those who did B/Education , majority in primary and ECDE optionbut not seconday option have no place in promotion , majority are in job group K ,,,remember they are only groups which have done research twice… What is their fate to their Employer ????? …T.S.C only consider seconday promotion…. not other qualifications

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