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TSC News Acting School Administrators To Be Confirmed In July Promotions
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TSC confirmation is nigh among all the school administrators including senior teachers/masters, deputy head teachers, and school heads who have been serving in acting capacities.
This follows plans from the employer to replace retiring school administrators including 1,025 school heads whose two-year contract is elapsing by the end of July.
Eligible School Administrators serving currently in acting capacities must have at least served in the same position for at least three years.
The teachers looking forward to these imminent promotions must also have been actively involved in filling and submitting their termly Teacher Performance Appraisal Development ( TPAD) ratings.
Having issued a Circular numbered 14/2021, The teachers’ employer (TSC) spelled out that the promotions of teachers shall be as stipulated in the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) in operation.
The teachers ‘ employer (TSC) has further spelled out that teachers serving in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands and other difficult to staff areas as administrators in acting capacities shall be promoted progressively until they acquire grades that are in tandem with their respective positions.
Teachers should note that the CBA 2021-2025 enumerated the areas below as the official ASAL And Hard to staff areas:
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Baringo North; Taty West and Marigat Sub-Counties in Baringo County
Garissa County
Suba and Mbita Sub-Counties in Homa Bay
Isiolo County
Mashuuru, Loitoktok and Kajiado West Sub- Counties in Kajiado County
Kwale County
Magarini and Ganze in Kilifi County
Lamu County
Mandera County
Mandera County
Marsabit County
Mumoni, Mutito North and Tseikuru Sub- Counties in Kitui County
Narok South and Narok North Sub-Counties in Narok County
Samburu County
Taita Taveta County
Tana River County
Turkana County
Wajir County
West Pokot County
While congratulating TSC after signing the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary-General, Collins Oyuu, clarified that what TSC had done is to list the hard-to-staff areas and maintained that they were putting administrators on acting capacity regardless of their grade. These teachers are to serve in these administrative ranks in the hard-to-staff areas until they attain their respective grades for eventual confirmation.
“Those areas are hardship but hard to staff, meaning, even positions of headteachers and their deputy counterparts often lack interested candidates, while those present are not qualified for those positions in terms of what we have in the CBA”, Oyuu observed.
Oyuu later added that these teachers were promoted to act in those positions because those areas were hard to staff and nobody was willing to go there. He further said that TSC was looking at the interest individual teachers had in line with serving under the acting capacity of administration in those areas until when the teacher attains the full grade of administration for full confirmation of the position the teacher was acting before.
TSC when advertising for mass recruitments of school administrators for both primary and secondary schools sometimes in September last year, required that potential candidates upload the following during the application:
Letter of appointment to the current grade
Letter of appointment to the current responsibility
Certificate of good conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI)
Clearance Certificate by Higher Education Loans Board
Clearance application from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
Tax Compliance Certificate from the Kenya Revenue Authority
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