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TSC Teachers Trending News 2021-2022: All In-service TSC-Employed Teachers With The Following Qualifications Should Get Ready For These New TSC Refresher Courses

Tsc tpd factsheet- requirements and registration deadline by newspro.co.ke

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TSC Teachers Trending News 2021-2022: All In-service TSC-Employed Teachers With The Following Qualifications Should Get Ready For These New TSC Courses


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TSC: All In-service Teachers With The Following Grades To Be Ready For These New TSC Assignments.


The Latest TSC Trending Teachers’ News Today 2021-2022

Teachers currently teaching in secondary schools in Kenya will henceforth be compelled to teach a third subject on top of the two subjects that each teacher is currently teaching .

This follows the publicizing of a proposal  drafted and suggested by the teachers service commission in the year 2021.

TSC Suggestions on Implementation of the New CBC curriculum in Secondary Schools 2021-2022

The commission also suggests that the current education degree programs that are offered in various universities are supposed to be scrapped.

This happens to be among the reasons as to why tsc is seriously pushing for clearly contentious teachers upgrading Program dubbed TPD Modules, Teacher Professional Development.

It means that all highschool teachers employed and those who are yet to be employed by the teachers service commission will have to enroll for a mandatory post training course which is expected to last for 9 months.

TSC Teachers’ Upgrading Program 2021-2022 Updates

In the upgrading exercise , it will be required that the teachers are taken through pedagogical approaches alongside other course units.

This therefore means that teachers should be ready to get the third subject which they will use to train inorder to teach together with the current two subjects in the competency based curriculum that is highly taking roots in Kenya.

New Qualifications for TPD TSC Teachers’ Training 2021-2022

Teachers with ALL the following Highlighted qualifications will be teaching in senior secondary school according to the proposal in the policy document:

1. minimum KCSE mean grade score of C+ or its equivalent.

2. minimum of B- (minus) in the tree teaching subjects.

3. A three year bachelor of arts /science degree followed by a post graduate diploma.

However, the commission is soon expected to clarify on whether the employed teachers more especially those who scored below a B- (minus) in any of the teaching subjects will be allowed to teach in senior secondary schools .

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The newly rolled out TSC Teacher Professional Development, TPD Modules’ history date back to the wilson Sossion era. However, most teachers are still in shock trying to fathom how and why their employer would incessantly fight for the roll out of a refresher program in spite of having been trained for up to four academic years and garnering the prerequisite knowledge and skills before being finally registered and employed on either Internship or Permanent and Pensionable terms.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has now launched in service training programmes for all practicing teachers. The Commission has already contracted institutions that will be offering the refresher training programme christened Teacher Professional Development (TPD) modules.

The first intake will be in December, 2021.

The teachers will be expected to meet the training costs for the modules that will be offered during school holidays. Of importance to note is the fact that the training will be mandatory for all practicing teachers.

A teacher who will fail to undertake the short courses would be deemed to have violated the TSC code of regulation and may face disciplinary action from the employer.

Kenyatta University, Mount Kenya University, Riara University and Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) have been identified to offer the Teacher Professional Development modules. A teacher will be at liberty to choose an institution of his/ her choice where to take the TPD modules.

According to TSC, the starting date will be announced once all logistics are addressed. Teacher Professional Development will continuously update teacher knowledge, skills, attitude and values encourage teachers’ learning communities.

The good news for teachers is that most of the TPD modules will be available online. “Many components of the TSC Teacher Professional Development programme will be available to teachers online and will be accessed through mobile phones,” says the Commission.

Continue reading;
TSC finally rolls out Teacher Professional Development, TPD, modules: Details

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All teachers will now be required to undergo professional development training six times in their career with each module taking a period of five (5) years. This means training will be done after every five years for a maximum of thirty years.

The number of modules to be undertaken will, though, depend on the number of years that a teacher still has in service.

Consequently, the type of module to be taken will largely depend on the number of years that a teacher still has in service; before attaining retirement age.

A teacher beginning the training will be required to complete seven sections of module one in order to be re-certified.

According to a policy statement paper prepared by TSC in 2018, Teachers will be trained for about five (5) days during school holidays.

Upon commencement of the programme, a teacher will be required to acquire a certificate, which is renewable every five years while subsequent applicants for certificate of registration will be issued with both certificates.

After completing all Teacher Professional Development modules, teachers will be eligible for re-certification and promotion; as the TPD modules have been anchored in the Career Progression Guidelines, CPG.

The training will also enhance the teacher’s knowledge and skills in order to address gaps in the Teacher Performance and Appraisal Development, TPAD. They will also keep teachers informed, enable them improve their pedagogical skills and acquire new, relevant, knowledge in their teaching areas.

On the flip side, teachers who would fail after the TPD assessment will have their teaching certificates withdrawn.




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