How to Scoop Maximum Scores During Interviews for Teachers Wishing for TSC Promotions 2021
Based on the current Central Bargaining Agreement, CBA there are two ways through which teachers can be promoted namely Common cadre and via competitive Promotions.
CompetitivePromotions are for Promotional grades in administrative positions in schools.
Persuant to that, the Teachers’ Employer- Teachers service Commission, TSC has a clear-cut interview scorecard to use in assessing Candidates’ competencies in key areas where candidates must score at least 50% and above in order to to be deployed.
These encompass:
TSC Promotions for Teachers 2021- Key Areas
1 Administrative abilities in the current assignment
* Achievements 10 marks
* Co-curricular exploits 8 Marks
* Participation in education affairs 5 marks
* Knowledge on formation of members and functions of board of management and parents association 5 marks.
* Role of sponsor 2 marks
This section has the highest marks at 30, therefore it’s important that prospective administrators of schools to have a good masterly.
2 Knowledge of education issues and trends in the post independence period
* Knowledge of educational Commissions 3 marks.
* Working parties or purpose for formation of such Commissions 3 marks.
* The respective recommendations of such Commissions 3 marks
* Implementation 3 marks
Total for this section is 12 marks.
3 knowledge of curriculum development, implementation and evaluation.
A. Curriculum development
* Structure of Kenya institute of education 3 marks
* Functions of Kenya institute of education 3 marks.
* Current trends in the curriculum 3 marks.
B. Implemention
* Structure and functions of teachers Service Commission 5 marks.
* Functions and structure of Ministry of education science and technology- inspection and directorate 4 marks.
C Evaluation.
* Membership of Kenya national examination Council 3 marks.
* Relationship between TSC, MoE, KNEC and KIE 5 marks.
The section has a subtotal of 28 marks.
4 Legal Framework in education
* Teachers service Commission 1 mark
* Education act 1 mark
* Kenya national examination Council act 1 mark
* Trade and dispute 1 mark
* TSC code of regulations for teachers 1 mark
* Schemes of Service for teachers 1 mark
* Manual for heads of secondary schools in Kenya 1 mark.
The section subtotal is 7 marks.
5 other educational organizations and institutions
* Kenya institute of education 2 marks.
* Jomo kenyatta foundation 2 marks.
* Kenya literature bureau 2 marks.
* Kenya education staff institute 2 marks
The section has a subtotal of 8 Marks.
6 Functions of the Central government
* Knowledge of the three arms of government 3 marks.
* Legislature; it’s functions, role of the speaker, clerk and sergeant-at-arms 3 marks.
* Executive; functions, role if the principal Secretaries visavis cabinet Secretaries 3 marks.
* Judiciary; Functions, structure, attorney general, chief justice etc 3 marks.
Section Total is 12 marks
7 General knowledge 3 marks
The grand total now comes to 100%
Note: TSC Promotional vacancies for Teachers are subject to their availability and funds from treasury. When they are available, TSC advertises and later on invite teachers for Interviews.